Viburnum Opulus.
Related entry: Viburnum prunifolium
The bark of Viburnum Opulus, Linné (Nat. Ord. Caprifoliaceae). A shrub of Northern United States and Canada.
Common Names: Cramp Bark, High Cranberry.
Principal Constituents.—A bitter, neutral principle, viburnin, and valeric acid.
Preparation.—Specific Medicine Viburnum. Dose, 5 to 60 drops.
Specific Indications.—Cramps; spasmodic uterine pain; pain in thighs and back; bearing-down, expulsive pain; neuralgic or spasmodic dysmenorrhea.
Action and Therapy.—Like black haw, this species of Viburnum is a uterine sedative and tonic and may be used where there is a predisposition to abortion, or as a partus praeparator. It is believed to have stronger antispasmodic properties than the black haw, and the special indication is cramps or cramp-like contraction of the hollow viscera, as well as of the voluntary musculature. It allays uterine irritation with a tendency to excite hysteria, and for spasmodic dysmenorrhea it is highly regarded by competent practitioners. Briefly, the therapeutic scope of the drug covers cramps, especially of the calf of the leg, spasmodic uterine pain, bearing-down or expulsive pain, difficult, spasmodic or neuralgic dysmenorrhea, spasmodic contraction of the bladder, hysteria, and some mild forms of convulsions.