The styles and stigmas of Zea Mays, Linné (Nat. Ord. Gramineae). The common Indian corn of America.
Common Name: Corn Silk (Stigmata Maydis).
Principal Constituents.—Volatile oil and maizenic acid.
Preparations.—1. Infusum Zea, Infusion of Corn Silk. (Silk, 2 ounces; Boiling Water, 16 fluidounces). Dose, Ad libitum.
2. Specific Medicine Stigmata Maydis. Dose, ½ to 2 fluidrachms.
Action and Therapy.—Zea (Stigmata Maydis) is diuretic, slightly anodyne, and is said to exert a stimulant effect upon the heart and blood vessels. The infusion, the best preparation, is an efficient stimulating diuretic in urinary irritation and inflammation, pyelitis, and catarrh of the bladder. It is especially valued when the urine contains phosphatic and uric acid concretions, and there is a disposition to dropsical accumulations. Its action is quite positive in pyelitis, chronic cystitis and to relieve ardor urinae in gonorrhea. For the bladder affections of children it is one of the most valued of urinary sedatives, and may be freely administered where there is a disposition to decomposition of the urine while still in the bladder. The virtues are attributed mostly to the maizenic acid present.