Arctium lappa.
Also see Hool, 1922: Burdock.
Natural Order—Compositae.
This plant grows in large quantities in fairly damp places, along roadsides and about old buildings. It flowers in July and August, and is well known by the burs or heads which stick to the clothes they may come into contact with.
Medicinal Properties; Diuretic, Laxative, Tonic.
Burdock is one of our best blood purifiers. The leaves and stems of Burdock are bitter; the root and seeds have a sweetish taste.
Burdock has effected a cure in many cases of eczema. In the case of a patient who had been suffering for 18 months, and had tried almost everything, a healthy condition was restored after treatment with Burdock for four weeks. In combination with Yellow Dock Root, Fumitory, and Cayenne, an excellent mixture may be prepared as follows:—
Burdock, 1 oz.
Centaury, 1 oz.
Yellow Dock ½ oz.
Fumitory, ½ oz.
Cayenne, 1 teaspoonful.
Simmer together in three pints of water for 10 minutes. When cool, strain, and take a wineglassful four times a day.
Another blood purifier which may be given in change with above:—
Burdock Seeds, 1 oz.
Meadowsweet, 1 oz.
Buckbean, ½ oz.
Fumitory, ½ oz.
Prepare and take as above.
Used singly, the seeds, 1 oz., infused or boiled in 1 ½ pints of water down to one pint, strained when cool, and half a teacupful taken three times a day before meals, is considered by many to be a specific for all affections of the kidneys.
Health from British Wild Herbs was written by Richard Lawrence Hool, N.A.M.H., in 1918.