Pharmaceutical Notes.
Unguentum Aquae Rosae.—The ointment of rose-water of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia prepared according to the directions given in that work is, in most respects, justly regarded as a satisfactory preparation. It is not, however, entirely unobjectionable, and the directions can be so modified that those engaged in the manufacture of it will be assisted thereby. The length of time required to produce an ointment such as the apothecary desires is often quite a serious tax upon his patience, and in order to lessen this I would recommend it to be made in the following manner: All the ingredients employed are put into a wide-mouthed bottle, placed in a hot water-bath, and allowed to remain until the solid portion is melted, then the bottle is taken out, and, having tightly corked or stoppered it, the mixture is thoroughly shaken; a uniform emulsion will result, which is to be agitated until solid.
The resulting ointment will be found smoother and more uniform than that produced by stirring, and the operator will find less exertion required, and will have also the advantage of knowing exactly the right moment when it is proper to stop agitation by solidification taking place. If in making it, three times the quantity of the ingredients ordered by the Pharmacopoeia are used, an ordinary preserving jar, with a cover that screws on, will be found a very convenient vessel to use.
Syrups for Soda Water—Orange and Lemon.—Very superior syrups can be made in the following manner: Take the peels of six oranges or lemons; cut them very thin; make a tincture of them by macerating in 6 fluidounces of alcohol for three days. Having filtered it, pour it on 1 pound (avoirdupois weight) of sugar contained in an evaporating dish or other suitable vessel, and allow the alcohol to evaporate spontaneously. When dry dissolve in ½ pint of water in which, if orange syrup is to be made, 1 ½ ounce of citric acid, if lemon, 2 ounces of the acid and 2 drachms, are to be dissolved. This mixture, added to 11 pints of simple syrup, will produce fine flavored syrups, which keep well.
The American Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 53, 1881, was edited by John M. Maisch.