Laboratory Notes.

Abstracts from Theses.

Fluid Extract of Convallaria Majalis.—The most satisfactory results, according to Wm. E. Cassell, are obtained by using for 16 troyounces of the drug a menstruum composed of 3 fluidounces of glycerin, 5 fluidounces of water, and 8 fluidounces of alcohol, and exhausting finally with diluted alcohol. Fourteen fluidounces of the percolate are reserved, and the remainder is mixed with 1 fluidounce of glycerin, evaporated to two fluid ounces and mixed with the reserved portion.

Verbena hastata.—Alexander A. Weber has found the blue vervain to be an excellent sudorific. The root, leaves and flowers are used, but the root, which has a bitter, astringent and nauseous taste, is the most active. The fluid extract is a convenient preparation and is made with diluted alcohol in the usual manner; the dose of it is one-half to one fluidrachm.

Iris versicolor.—The oleoresin prepared by Wm. L. Cliffe, yielded to acidulated water a brownish amorphous substance, which, after the separation of the acid, was soluble in ether, alcohol and water, the latter solution giving precipitates with potassio mercuric iodide and with potassium biniodide, while the alcoholic solution, acidulated with nitric acid and tested with phosphomolybdic acid gave a brilliant green color in a day or two. The drug after treatment with benzin, yielded to 80 per cent. alcohol several resins, tannin and sugar. Cold water now took up albumen, and gummy and coloring matter, after which treatment with boiling water yielded a slightly colored liquid which did not become blue with iodine. The distillate with water separated a solid compound which became liquid at the temperature of the body. (See also "Amer. Jour. Phar.," 1876, p. 406, and 1881, p. 601.)

(Some Teucriums contain livertoxic neo-clerodane diterpenoids. Their use is discouraged. --Henriette.)

Teucrium Scordium has been used with advantage in hemorrhoids both locally and internally. Louis Murjahn has prepared a fluid extract, by exhausting the powdered herb with diluted alcohol in the usual manner; it is of a blackish green color and is given in doses of 1 or 2 fluidrachms. On evaporating this liquid, about 16 per cent. of a soft dark green extract is obtained, which has been used in the form of pills, one grain of it being combined with two grains of the powdered herb. For local use the ointment was prepared by mixing 1 part of the finely powdered herb with 9 parts of petrolatum.

The American Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 56, 1884, was edited by John M. Maisch.