Reviews and Bibliographical Notices.
American Medical Plants an illustrated and descriptive guide to American plants. By C. F. Millspaugh, M. D. New York and Philadelphia Boericke & Tafel, Fascicle V (Nos. 21 to 25). Price $5.
The indigenous North American plants described in this fascicle are Aesculus glabra, Ambrosia artemisiaefolia, Argemone mexicana, Arisaema Dracontium, Collinsonia canadensis, Chamaelirium luteum, Euphorbia hypericifolia, Helianthemum canadense, Humulus Lupulus, Hydrophyllum virginicum, Lachnanthes tinctoria, Lactuca canadensis, Leptandra virginica, Lilium superbum, Lycopus virginicus, Penthorum sedoides, Ptelea trifoliata, Polygonum acre and Ranunculus sceleratus. The following plants are naturalized, adventive or cultivated: Anagallis arvensis, Artemisia Absinthium, Artemisia vulgaris Chenopodium anthelminticum, Convolvulus arvensis, Euphorbia Lathyris, Hypericum perforatum, Phaseolus vulgaris, Salix purpurea, Sinapis alba and Solanum nigrum. The plates are well executed, and the characters of the plants are usually fully indicated; of Chenopodium and perhaps of one or two other plants, a more characteristic figure would have been acceptable.
Of the more important inaccuracies in the text the following deserve to be mentioned: Oleum hyperici is not a constituent of St. John's wort, but an oleoinfusion colored red by the coloring matter probably contained in the black dots. The root of Artemisia vulgaris has been repeatedly analyzed since 1826 but a new analysis is desirable. Thridace is not lactucarium, but is an extract obtained by expressing cultivated lettuce. Although we have shown, twenty years ago, that an efficient lactucarium may be prepared from Lactuca canadensis and W. Hiland Flowers in 1879 proved this to have the same constituents as European lactucarium, we are not aware that the American plant is utilized for preparing lactucarium.
The American Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 59, 1887, was edited by John M. Maisch.