Abstracts from the French Journals.


DANGER IN SANTONIN, even when given in moderate doses, was reported some weeks since in the Lyon Médical to have been observed so frequently that the matter has been inquired into by the Rép. de Pharm., with the following results. The effects of white santonin were more toxic than that which had become yellow through exposure, to sunlight, though the latter did not show any diminution in its therapeutic properties. Lawre thinks that the dose for a child of less than two years should not exceed 0.05 gm. In all cases it should be associated with a purgative—calomel, for example—to facilitate its elimination. "Santonin is innocuous or toxic," he says, "in proportion to the rapidity with which it may be eliminated, and this varies in individuals." Lewin and Caspari recommend that it be "administered in oily solutions. In this form it is absorbed by the intestines slowly enough to permit a direct and prolonged contact with the worms."

ESCHSCHOLTZIA. — In the Bull. Gén de Thérap. (April 30), Stanislas Martin advises chemists to make a careful investigation of the Eschscholtzia Californica in order to separate the unknown active principles to which it owes its calmative action. The character of the sedative effect following the use of eschscholtzia, is said to be superior to that of other papaveraceous plants, such as Sanguinaria canadensis, Papaver album, etc., and, so far as clinical experiments have extended, it seems likely to be preferred to codeine. Martin and Prudhomme will soon enter upon its investigation. American chemists have an opportunity to forestall them. (In 1844 Walz discovered in the root of this plant sanguinarine, and two other alkaloids. The herb contains the two last alkaloids, and in autumn also sanguinarine. -Editor AMERICAN JOURNAL PHARMACY.)

The American Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 59, 1887, was edited by John M. Maisch.