A statement is made in The Medical Summary that Doctor Bogart depends for a specific effect in the treatment of all forms of lumbago, upon the following:
- Specific arnica, drs. 2
- Specific macrotys, drs. 2
Mix. Give the patient from two to four drops in a little water every hour.
But few of our readers will see at first glance, the rational character of this prescription. I have never used this combination, but the two remedies, in their specific indications, run closely parallel to each other, and when a case of lumbago is carefully analyzed, it will be found that in nearly every case the indications for these two remedies are present.
I have confidence in the combination even though I have not used it, and consequently advise a trial. There may be cases in which gelsemium can be given alternately or in conjunction with these remedies with superior results.
Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.