Therapeutic facts.

Botanical name: 

Belladonna Externally for Phlebitis.

Related entries: Phlebitis - Phlebitis

In an article on phlebitis in the June number I am reminded to say that for forty or more years I have found belladonna to be an excellent and, so far as I know, the best remedy for external application.

In puerperal phlebitis I always, after elevating the leg, apply a plaster of the solid extract of belladonna. The specific effects, flushing of the face, dilation of the pupils, dryness of the mouth, etc., will quite often be a signal to withdraw the application for a few hours to again apply it when these symptoms subside. After 24 to 48 hours remove the belladonna and apply a flannel bandage as snugly as can be well borne and upon this pour hot alcohol every hour. In a recent hospital experience my patient had a crural phlebitis following an ovariotomy, and was treated in this manner while a patient in an adjoining room was treated in the ordinary way. My patient was sitting up on the fourth day comfortable while the other one was still no better.

A. L. CLARK, M. D.

COMMENT:—There are no suggestions that come to this journal that I prize more highly than those from Prof. Clark. The doctor was one of the first to suggest the establishment of an Eclectic Medical College in Chicago in 1869, and is the only one now living, who has been with Bennett Medical College during its entire course. Prof. Whitford was only a year or two later, however.

In all these years and for some years previous, Prof. Clark has been in continual active practice having taken but few vacations. He has arrived at that time of life, when every suggestion that he writes carries full weight, and can be depended upon as being absolutely reliable. An entire number of this journal devoted to the experiences of Prof. Clark would be indeed valuable. I shall endeavor to secure all that he can possibly give us as long as he is able to write, which we sincerely hope will be for many years yet.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.