
  • ANALYSIS OF THE SEXUAL IMPULSE—LOVE AND PAIN—THE SEXUAL IMPULSE IN WOMEN—Third volume in series— STUDIES IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SEX. By Havelock Ellis, L. S. A. (England); Extra cloth, $2.00 net, delivered. Sold only to physicians, lawyers, clergymen, advanced teachers and scientists. Philadelphia, Pa. F. A. Davis Company, Publishers, 1914-16 Cherry Street.

This work is one of the volumes of Ellis's studies in the psychology of sex. This author has gone into this subject in a way altogether unnecessarily thorough and definite, even for a specialist. There is a great deal said that can be of no benefit whatever to anybody. The only practical use that could be made of much of this knowledge is in the medico-legal consideration of criminality, and its causes, and it seems to go into unnecessary detail even for that purpose. From a scientific standpoint these works are probably of some value. A comparison is made by the author of conditions of individuals of all nationalities and under conditions both of civilized peoples and those of uncivilized, of those in high life and of those degraded. The works would be entertaining reading to some because of their unusual characteristics.

  • A HAND BOOK OF SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS, APPLIED HYPNOTISM AND PSYCHIC SCIENCE. By Henry S. Monroe, M. D., Americus, Ga. Published by C. V. Mosby Medical Book Co., St. Louis, Mo.

The author presents his subject in a unique manner, not only in the general consideration but typographically. Continually in the text throughout the book he emphasizes certain phrases in black face type. It is difficult to see in many cases the necessity of this emphasis while in other cases the emphasis would increase the force of the statement. Suggestion is clearly defined and its application demonstrated. The distinction between suggestion and hypnotism is made. Philosophy and religion in reference to their relation to health, are presented. Physical exercise and its import; analogy as a factor in therapeutics; the influence of environment; the brutality of frankness; and moral stamina as a therapeutic power are among the many excellent topics considered. The book is really an interesting one. It is full of practical suggestions from cover to cover.

  • NASAL SINUS SURGERY, WITH OPERATIONS ON THE NOSE AND THROAT.—By Beaman Douglas, M. D., New York. Illustrated with 67 full page, half tone plates, including nearly 100 figures. Published by the F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

The clearness of the text and adaptation of illustrations to the text which are executed in half tones photographed from life, has made this book very valuable. The transverse section of the bones, showing the chambers, passages and structures that are contiguous to the nasal passages are unusually fine. The bones in disease show plainly the necessity for operation and define clearly the course and character of an operation in connection with the text. This work has already sustained an enviable position. It is a valuable addition to the library of any surgeon, and will be of much assistance to the physician.

  • ESSAYS IN PASTORAL MEDICINE. By Austen O'Malley, M. D., Ph. D., and James J. Walsh, M. D., Ph. D. Published by Longmans Green and Co., 91 5th Ave., New York, N. Y.

The term involved in the title of this book is not common in medicine and might need to many an explanation. The author in the preface says that it presents that part of medicine which is of import to a Pastor in his cure and those division of ethics and moral physiology which concern a physician in his practice. It shows the relation between the physician and priest. Some of the topics considered are the following: Ectopic Gestation, Maternal Impressions, Social Medicine, Hereditary and Moral Weakness, The Moment of Death, The Priest in Infectious Disease, Psychic Epilepsy and Secondary Personality, Impulse and Responsibility, Social Diseases, Bloody Sweat. This partial list will give an idea of the subjects which are treated in this work, in an interesting and profitable manner.

  • LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION IN DISEASE OR SELF POISONING OF THE INDIVIDUAL. By Charles Bouchard, translated by Thomas Oliver, A. M., M. D., F. R. C. P. Published by the F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. Second edition.

The thoroughness with which the work treats this important subject and the laboratory and clinical experiments that have been made by the author, who possesses a far reaching insight into the causes of these conditions, have made this a valuable work. In my first review a few years ago, I called attention to these superior characteristics. This second volume has brought the subject up to the date of issue, enabling the reader to estimate the correct position of this condition in pathology in the light of the most modern investigations. The work is certainly a commendable one and occupies an important place in the medical library.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.