
Botanical name: 

Geranium maculatum has really accomplished such marked results for me in cases where but little action from any remedy would have been anticipated, that I have grown into the belief that it possesses virtues not credited to it. In ulceration of the stomach, it certainly has a marvelous influence. I am very anxious to obtain reports from those of our readers who have depended upon this remedy with good results. The following was the statement of its action by Dr. King, in the American Dispensatory, and these suggestions should be kept in mind now, in studying the use of this remedy.

Geranium is a powerful astringent, used in the second stages of dysentery, diarrhoea, and cholera infantum, in infusion or in milk. Both internally and externally it may be used wherever astringents are indicated, in hemorrhages, indolent ulcers, apthous sore mouth, ophthalmia, leucorrhea, gleet, hematuria, menorrhagia, diabetes, and all excessive chronic mucous discharges; also to cure mercurial salivation. Relaxation of the uvula may be benefited by gargling with a decoction of the root, as well as apthous ulceration of the mouth and throat.

From its freedom from any nauseous or unpleasant qualities, it is well adapted to infants and persons with fastitious stomachs.

In cases of bleeding piles, a strong decoction of the root may be injected into the rectum, and this should be retained as long as possible. Piles are said to be cured by adding of the root in fine powder two ounces to tobacco ointment seven ounces. This should be applied to the parts three or four times a day. Troublesome epistaxis, bleeding from wounds or small vessels, and bleeding from the extraction of teeth may be checked effectually by applying the powder to the bleeding orifice, and if possible, covering with a compress of cotton. With aletris farinosa in decoction, and taken internally, it has proven of superior efficacy in diabetes and Bright's disease of the kidney. A mixture or solution of two parts of hydrochlorate of berberin and one part of extract of geranium will be found of unrivaled efficacy in all chronic mucous diseases, as in gleet, leucorrhea, ophthalmia, gastric affections, catarrh, and ulceration of the bladder, etc., etc. A decoction of two parts of geranium and one of sanguinaria forms an excellent injection for gleet and leucorrhea. Dose of the powder from twenty to thirty grains; of the decoction from one to two fluid ounces.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.