Dioscorea Villosa.

Botanical name: 


When we find a good thing it is well to pass it along. If a doctor fails to get good from a remedy, how, easy it is to give it a bad name. And when we get positive results from a remedy, how we should make them known. Hence my excuse for recording this case in practice.

A few weeks ago Mr. M., who had just returned from a visit to Yosemite Valley, called upon me. In addition to the efforts put forth in mountain climbing a death had occurred in the company, which saddled Mr. M. with a good deal of work, mental and physical. He complained of a sharp pain in the region of the transverse colon—examination revealed no physical wrong—and yet the pain had been persistent for some days, spasmodic in character, but continually recurring. When the pain was severest he could always get relief by pressure or bending over. To me, this pain not all the time but spasmodic in character, coming and going—a pain relieved by pressure, called loudly for specific dioscorea villosa. And I prescribed 1 ½ dram Spec. dioscorea villosa, with glyconda to 4 ozs. M. Sig.: Dr. 1 every three hours after the medicine was taken. He called again to pay me. The medicine appeared to have acted like a charm, bringing quick and permanent relief. The singular thing to me was not that the remedy brought relief for I fully expected it would; but how was it that a pain which in every respect looked like a case of colic, should not spread but be confined to a spot which could easily be covered with the palm of the hand?

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.