Some Queries.

Would not macrotys act as well as white snake root in after pains, etc.?

Of the following remedies, which one is best as a diuretic, would one represent the group as a diuretic? Or should two or more be combined? If so, which for dropsy, which for suppression of urine, and which for gravel, rheumatism, etc. The list is as follows: Aralia, barosma, epigea, hydrangea, lappa, swamp milk weed, triticum repens.

Please give the best formula for boric acid or glycerin for tampons, in treating enlarged uterus and leucorrhea, to do as well or better than ichthyo] and glycerin mixtures. A PLEASED SUBSCRIBER.

COMMENT: Macrotys causes a natural contraction of the muscular fibers of the womb. This effect would rather contribute, at first, to an increase in after pains, later the pain would disappear, perhaps sooner than it would if the remedy had not been used. It has not been advised for the immediate relief of these troubles, but given as a parturient or for some days in advance of the labor it will probably prevent the occurrence of severe after-pains.

It is not possible to say which of the above remedies is the best diuretic; they all exercise a diuretic effect at times. Epigea in form of a hot infusion of the herb will produce a very copious discharge of urine, of low specific gravity. Barosma increases the solids in the urine. Hydrangea relieves irritation, and is only mildly diuretic. Triticum increases both the solids and the water.

One could suit himself about the comparative strength of boric acid and glycerine. The reduction of the size of the uterus would depend upon the glycerine. The strength and character of the antiseptic should be decided by the demands of the individual case.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.