Symphoricarpus belongs to the genus of caprifoliaceous shrubs which grow in the southern portion of the United States, but little is said about their medicinal properties by writers on medicine. A homeopathic writer for many years used a tincture of the symphoricarpus racemosus, with remarkable success in the vomiting of pregnancy, and in all gastric derangements dependent upon ovarian or uterine irritation. Another writer found that it gave prompt relief where there was an unsettled condition of the stomach with nausea at the menstrual epoch. If any reader knows of the action of this remedy he should immediately report it because we are greatly in need of specific remedies for the above conditions.
In the treatment of albuminuria a trial should be made of the bromide of strontium; theoretically it should favorably impress cases of parenchymatous nephritis occurring in conjunction with rheumatism or gout. It should benefit the nephritis of pregnancy, but I should give it in these cases in conjunction with gelsemium and macrotys with some counter irritation.
Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 3, 1909, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.