Veratrum in Puerperal Convulsions.

Botanical name: 

I recently had in my care a young pregnant woman, sixteen years of age, primapara, who was having a great deal of regular pain much like labor pains; supposed to be such, as full term had expired. I determined upon examination that the pains were not of labor. I gave some preparatory medicine and advised concerning the care of the patient, until labor would occur, which was nearly a week. I was finally called in great haste and was notified that the patient had a "fit," and before I reached her there were four severe convulsions. I immediately gave her 25 drops of specific veratrum, hypodermically, and in half an hour ten drops more.

On my arrival the os was neither dilated nor dilatable, but in a short time after giving the second injection the entire condition changed and labor came on in a natural and satisfactory manner. There was no return of the convulsions, no complications of any kind, but after a rather tedious labor of perhaps twelve hours duration, the patient made an excellent recovery. It seemed strange to me, afterward, to find out that the mother had no knowledge of my having been in the case in any way, and no recollection of anything that happened, or of any pain that she had from the time of the occurrence of the first convulsion.


Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 3, 1909, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.