In the treatment of tuberculosis, and in fact in any chronic condition of wasting disease, the physician should see to it that the intestinal canal is kept free from hardened feces, and that the bowels move freely, easily and kindly once or twice a day. This result can be accomplished by directing that from thirty to sixty grains of the sulphate of magnesium be dissolved in half a teacup ful of hot water, and drunk half an hour before breakfast, followed by another cup of either hot or cold water, as preferred. For the purpose of keeping the skin in good active condition, dissolve an ounce of the sulphate of magnesium in a pint of water, and sponge the body, going over the entire surface three or four times in fifteen or twenty minutes. This will act somewhat as a laxative but more particularly as a stimulant to the skin, and will remove the cause of a great many little aches and pains which are commonly classed as rheumatic.
It is also advisable, in addition to the measures above suggested, to give the patient a good tonic, such as the hypophosphite of sodium and calcium compound. This will produce a gradual, but permanent improvement. It will produce a normal appetite, the night sweats will cease, and a general improvement will be plainly apparent
Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 3, 1909, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.