

Bryonia is a native of Europe and is given to us by the Germans.

The drug is a rank poison and in large doses causes depression of the circulation, respiration, and mentality. Intense griping, uneasiness, and watery stools. Vomiting and straining is also present. The vitality becomes low with muttering delerium, with the patient becoming cyanotic. Experience has taught us to use it in small doses, 3 to 10 drops to a 4-ounce mixture, giving approximately one teaspoonful of the mixture every two hours. It will relieve pain many times and very promptly when indications for its use are present, instead of using opiates, bromides, or coal-tar derivatives.

This drug will not check secretions, but rather promotes them as will be seen with its use in pulmonary affections. In pleurisy it relieves the pain and helps the absorption of the fluid within the pleural cavity and thus will relieve the shortness of breath due to the pressure caused by this fluid, and many times saves aspiration.

In pneumonia or bronchitis it will relieve the hard, dry, and painful cough. In abdominal diseases it also finds a prominent field, especially in colitis. In the common catarrhal affections of the nose, due to colds, -when combined with gelsemium and aconite it will give excellent results.

This drug is being used in the treatment of tuberculosis, as it has been found to ease much of the acute pain in the acute inflammatory state. It will also assist in making the sputum less offensive, when combined with antiseptics such as echinacea and assists in the prevention of rapid breaking down of the tissue not already affected. In peritonitis, when the pulse is hard and registering, rapid, intense pain upon the least movement, think of bryonia—it will fill the bill.

The indications for this drug are as follows: Pain in the right side of the head and face, right cheek flushed, burning of the eyes and nose, with acrid discharge. The pulse full, hard, and wiry. Scanty urine, constipation, pain involving the serous membranes and aggravated by motion. Deep, rasping, irritating cough. Pains of a rheumatic character with a steady intensive ache. Sharp, cutting pain in the region of the gall bladder and liver call for bryonia.

This drug is one of the favorites of all Eclectics and never a day passes in which some patient does not receive some of it in their medication. It is dependable and results are obtained when used according to its indications.

National Eclectic Medical Association Quarterly, Vol. 26, 1934-35, was edited by Theodore Davis Adlerman, M.D.