Officers for 1895-96.
Twenty-sixth Year.
WILLIAM E. BLOYER, M. D., 1526 Elm St., Cincinnati, O.
Vice -Presidents.
1st, GEORGE W. JOHNSON, M. D., San Antonio, Texas.
2d, HERSHEL E. CURRY, M., D., Baker City, Oregon.
3d, Mrs. HARRIET C. HINDS, M. D., East Orange, New Jersey.
Corresponding Secretary.
EDWIN H. CARTER, M. D. 407 W. Walnut St., Des Moines, Ia.
WILLIAM T. GEMMILL, M. D. Forest, Ohio.
Recording Secretary.
WILLIAM E. KINNETT, M. D., Yorkville, Illinois.
Transactions of the National Eclectic Medical Association, Vol. XXIII, 1895-96, edited by W. E. Kinnett.