Cinchona wossname, thingy.
Note from Henriette: The Cinchona entry in King's is about 30 pages, and Cinchona, the plant (or bark), while used quite a lot by the pharmacists, is not really herbal anymore. So I'm not scanning the entry in King's. Nor am I scanning the Cinchona alkaloid entries (Quinine, Quinidine sulphate, Quinine bisulphate, etc.). They're simply not interesting enough for me.
However, here's links to other cinchona entries, as found on this site:
Preparations: Extract of Cinchona - Fluid Extract of Cinchona - Infusion of Cinchona - Tincture of Cinchona - Compound Tincture of Cinchona - Ferrated Tincture of Cinchona - Aromatic Wine of Cinchona
Quinine etc.
Preparations: Compound Pills of Quinine - Pills of Sulphate of Quinine - Compound Powder of Quinine - Glycerite of Quinine Sulphate - Compound Tincture of Quinine - Wine of Quinine