The Solvents.
Acetum.—Vinegar. (Acetum britannicum (British malt vinegar), Acetum gallicum (French wine vinegar), Acetum destillatum (distilled vinegar), Acetum crudum.)
Adeps (U. S. P.)—Lard. (Prepared lard, Hog's lard, Axunge.)
Adeps Lanae Hydrosus (U. S. P.)—Hydrous Wool-Fat. (Purified wool-fat.)
Alcohol.—Alcohol. (Ethyl alcohol, Ethylic alcohol, Ethyl hydroxide, Alcohol, Alcohol vini, Rectified spirit,
Spiritus rectificatus, Vinic alcohol; Spirit of wine.)
- Alcohol Amylicum.—Amylic Alcohol. (Fusel oil, Oil of potato spirit, Corn spirit oil, Amyl alcohol, Pentyl alcohol, Grain oil, Amyl hydrate, Amyl hydroxide, Primary amyl alcohol.)
- Alcohol Methylicum.—Methyl Alcohol. (Wood alcohol, Wood naphtha, Pyroxylic spirit (or alcohol), Pyroligneous spirit (or alcohol), Spiritus pyroxylicus rectificatus.)
Aqua (U. S. P.)—Water. (Hydrogen monoxide.)
Cera Alba (U. S. P.)—White Wax. /
Cera Flava (U. S. P.)—Yellow Wax.
Glycerinum (U. S. P.)—Glycerin. (Glycerina, Glycerine, Glycerol, Propenyl alcohol.)