Spiritus Aromaticus (N. F.)—Aromatic Spirit.

Related entry: Spiritus Aurantii Compositus (U. S. P.)—Compound Spirit of Orange. - Elixir Aromaticum (U. S. P.)—Aromatic Elixir

Preparation.—"Compound spirit of orange (U. S. P.), sixty-five cubic centimeters (65 Cc.) [2 fl℥, 95♏︎]; deodorized alcohol, nine hundred and thirty-five cubic centimeters (935 Co.) [31 fl℥, 272♏︎]. Mix them. Preserve the product, if it is to be kept in stock, in completely filled and well-stoppered vials or bottles, and stored in a cool and dark place. Aromatic spirit may also be prepared in the following manner: Sweet orange peel, fresh, and deprived of the inner, white portion, six hundred and seventy-five grammes (675 Gm.) [1 lb. av., 7 ozs., 354 grs.]; lemon peel, fresh, eighty-five grammes (85 Gm.) [3 ozs. av.]; coriander, bruised, eighty-five grammes (85 Gm.) [3 ozs. av.]; oil of star-anise, one and one-half cubic centimeters (1.5 Cc.) [24♏︎]; deodorized alcohol, a sufficient quantity to make five thousand cubic centimeters (5000 Cc.) [169 fl℥, 33♏︎]. Macerate the solids during 4 days with forty-five hundred cubic centimeters (4500 Cc.) [152 fl℥, 78♏︎] of deodorized alcohol; then add the oil of star-anise, filter, and pass enough deodorized alcohol through the filter to make the product measure five thousand cubic centimeters (5000 Cc.) [169 fl℥, 33♏︎]. Note.—When good, fresh essential oils can not be readily obtained for preparing the compound spirit of orange, the second formula may be used. But the product obtained by it should not be employed in mixtures containing iron, as the latter would cause a darkening of the mixture"—(Nat. Form.).

Uses.—This agent enters into the formation of many of the elixirs, being the chief constituent of Aromatic Elixir (Elixir Aromaticum).

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.