
Botanical name: 

Grindelia robusta, a California plant, is, as found in commerce, of questionable authenticity, owing to the near relationship of very similar species of grindelia. It early attracted the attention of the Jesuit Fathers in their mission stations along the coast, it being used by the natives before the conquest of the country by the Americans. Dr. C. A. Canfield, of Monterey, Cal., about 1863, called attention to grindelia as a remedy in the poison of rhus toxicodendron, its native use in that direction having become known to him. Mr. James G. Steele, of San Francisco, 1875, contributed a paper to the American Pharmaceutical Association commending its use in this direction. After that time the drug rapidly crept into favor with the profession of medicine.

The History of the Vegetable Drugs of the U.S.P., 1911, was written by John Uri Lloyd.