Cannabis Indica.

Botanical name: 

Syn.—Indian hemp, cannabis sativa.
P. E.—Flowering top of female plant.
N. O.—Cannabinaceae.
N. H.—India.

Properties: Anodyne, sedative, anti-spasmodic, narcotic.

Physiological action: In large doses it will produce hallucination, which, in some, are of merriment and in others of a violent nature, even tendency to crime. It dilates the pupils, pain is relieved, the natural perception of objects is perverted; sounds or noise appearing intensified. In poisonous doses it will cause spasms, convulsions general collapse, anesthesia of skin, clamminess; face pale, pulse weak, profound weakness and collapse, death resulting from paralysis of respiration. Its habitual use will cause bloating, injected eyes, insanity, and even death from general wasting of the system.

Indications: Nervousness, insomnia, hallucination, illusions of sight and hearing, stupor, vertigo, pain and burning in the urethra. Menstrual headache and neuralgic pain in dysmenorrhea.

Use: It influences the nervous system. We think of it in disordered mental states, the result of disturbed functions of the nervous system; in melancholy affections of the brain with nervous vertigo; in wakefulness of old people and restlessness of nervous exhaustion. A good remedy in involuntary muscular movements, especially if of a distressing nature. Will relieve to some extent the girdle pain of locomotor ataxia and the distress of spondylitis, hip joint disease and rickets. Of value in sexual excitement, in hysteria and emotional excitement at the menstrual period. Claimed to be a good remedy in chronic alcoholism. In subinvolution of the uterus it is of benefit. Relieves irritation of the urinary organs and is therefore of value in cystitis, gonorrhea and gleet.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.