
Botanical name: 

Syn.—Stavesacre; Delphinium Staphisagria.
P. E.—Seeds.
N. O.—Ranunculaceae.
N. H.—Europe.

Properties: Cathartic, emetic, narcotic. Externally parasiticide.

Physiological action: If taken in large doses internally it causes vomiting and purging, acting as a local irritant. In poisonous doses it will first contract pupils, then dilate them, showing its stimulating effect on the centers, followed by depression and paralysis, convulsions and general loss of motion and sensation; respiration is decreased, heart's action is lessened and paralysis of the spinal cord and asphyxia finally cause death.

Use: Staphisagria has a stimulating and tonic influence on the central nervous system. Useful in sexual disorders accompanied by melancholy, hypochondria, or hysteria, especially if attended by violent outbursts of passion. Relieves nocturnal seminal emissions, irritation of the prostate gland and testicles; overcomes impotency and arrests excessive mucous or mucopurulent discharges from the urethra. In some cases of pruritis in the female it is of benefit. Of value in old standing cases of gleet and dysuria. Externally applied diluted with cologne it is our best remedy for pediculae pubis and capitis. This is much more pleasant than the old way of treatment and less dangerous.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.