Grindelia Robusta.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Grindelia squarrosa

Syn.—Wild Sun Flower; Yellow Tar Weed; Gum Plant.
P. E.—Leaves and flower.
N. O.—Compositae.
N. H.—Pacific Coast, United States.

Properties: Antispasmodic, expectorant.

Physiological action: It is not very toxic, but in very large doses the following has been observed, viz.: Sensibility is at first diminished then destroyed; the peripheral nerves first affected, then the trunk of the nerves and then the motor centers in the spinal cord. Mobility is affected in the same order, paralysis beginning in the nerve terminals, then motor nerve trunks and finally motor centers of the cord. It stimulates the cardiac inhibitory centers and thus slows the heart's action. Stimulating the vaso-motor centers blood pressure is raised. Respiration is increased in frequency by its stimulating effect on the respiratory centers and terminals of the pneumogastric in the lungs. There is an increase in the secretion of urine. Then in cases that terminate fatally respiration becomes slower, jerky, and death results from arrest of respiration, the heart's action continuing for some time. Cerebral effects are quite pronounced a condition of narcosis ensues of more or less severity according to amount of drug taken. This cerebral, cardiac and renal action may suggest its use in many conditions. In small doses it constricts. In moderate doses it first causes contraction, then dilatation, while in very large doses it dilates arteries at once. Moderate doses decrease excitability of muscles and the nerves. It is never given in such large doses as to cause marked toxic effects.

Use: In full and frequent doses it is an excellent remedy in asthmatic breathing, producing expectoration, and its continued use in smaller doses will remove the entire train of symptoms. May be combined with other indicated remedies such as lobelia, yerba santa or stramonium to advantage. Its influence on asthmatic breathing is more permanent than any other agent. It is not indicated in spasmodic asthma with complete relief between the attacks. Applied locally and used internally it is a fine remedy in rhus tox poisoning. Locally applied to old, indolent ulcers it gives good results. We also think of it in acute or chronic bronchitis, chronic bronchial cough of spasmodic nature, asthmatic breathing, irregular heart's action if accompanying chronic coughs, pneumonia and chronic coughs, that often follow pneumonia. In vaginitis it is of value if applied locally.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.