Pilocarpus jaborandi.
P. E.—Small leaves.
N. O.—Rutaceae.
N. H.—Brazil.
Properties: Diaphoretic, sialagogue.
Physiological action: It is the most profound stimulant to secreting organs of the glandular system we have and its relaxing and depressing effect should be carefully watched. In large doses it may produce nausea, vomiting, extreme relaxation, weakness, dimness of sight and general collapse. However, these symptoms hardly ever occur, as its effect can be watched and it need not be given in such large doses. Some people are very susceptible to its action, even if given in small doses, and this should be always born in mind. Its relaxing effects can be counteracted with belladonna. Stimulants may be given if the relaxing effect has not been so marked; such as nux vomica, etc.
Indications: Acute suppression of secretion in sthenic conditions. Hard and sharp pulse, dry skin, urine scanty and of high specific gravity.
Use: Powerfully stimulates the secretion of the entire glandular system. There is no remedy that will so powerfully and promptly stimulate the secretion in all parts of the body. It should never be used when contra-indicated and its depressing effects should always be watched even if prominently indicated. It should not be used in asthenic conditions or in feeble and dilated heart, nor with very young or very old people. We think of it in most fevers at the outset and in inflammatory conditions where indicated. To remove serous effusion in inflammatory conditions of the lungs and pleura, it is a valuable remedy. We also think of it in influenza, acute laryngitis, tonsillitis, diphtheria, laryngismus stridulus dropsy, acute inflammatory rheumatism, acute mastitis, exanthematous fevers and as a galactagogue. A good remedy in the active inflammatory stage of diseases of the respiratory tract. In tetanus give the alkaloid pilocarpine hypodermically; relax muscles with chloroform and then give jaborandi internally in 9 to 15 drop doses. Although the average dose, of jaborandi is about 1 drachm to 4 ounces of water, teaspoonful every 2 hours, in emergencies and severe cases where prominently indicated it may be used in larger doses, carefully watching its effect. In strychnine poisoning jaborandi is our best internal remedy and will often succeed where all other means fail. It may be given in 8 to 15 drop doses every 15 minutes, until spasms are modified and come at longer intervals; then gradually decrease dose and give at longer intervals.
The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.