Podophyllum Peltatum.

Botanical name: 

Syn.—Podophyllum, Mandrake, May Apple.
P. E.—The rhizome of the root.
N. O.—Berberidaceae.
N. H.—United States, U. S. A.

Properties: Cathartic, cholagogue.

Physiological action: In large doses it is a drastic cathartic and for that reason too large doses should be avoided.

Indication: Full, oppressed pulse, full tongue with a full and sodden appearance, yellowish coat, more heavily coated in back, vertigo, head feels heavy; there is constipation, mind may be confused; abdomen full and doughy, skin sallow. Temperature normal or in some cases below normal.

Use: Podophyllum is a stimulant to the upper intestines and liver. It influences the ductless glands and favors blood making. In biliousness, enlargement of the liver, constipation, jaundice, gall stones, scrofula or .syphilis; it is a good remedy if indicated and should be used with such other remedies as are indicated. In chronic constipation, dry stool in children, hemorrhoids, the result of deficient peristalsis; it is of great value if given in small doses. It is a valuable alterative where indicated. As it will cause griping in many cases, it is well to add hyoscyamus or leptandra to overcome this.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.