Rhus Aromatica.
Syn.—Fragrant Sumach, Sweet Sumach.
P. E.—Bark of root.
N. O.—Anacardiaceae.
N. H.—United States.
Properties: Astringent, stimulant, diuretic, tonic and astringent to non-striated muscular fibers.
Use: Our best remedy in diabetes insipidus, where it should be taken in 5 drop doses and gradually increased to 10 to 15 drops at a dose. To be taken about 4 times a day. When the largest dose admissible has been reached this should be continued until the desired result is obtained when the dose should be gradually reduced again. Rhus aromatica is also of value in diabetes mellitus. In urinary incontinence in children and the aged it often will produce satisfactory results. Of value in mild cases of hematuria. It tones up the muscular of the urinary apparatus and is indicated in over-activity of the urinary apparatus, in absence of inflammation. In conditions where most indicated we find a debilitated condition, languor, lassitude, loss of flesh, stool profuse; a weak, in fact a debilitated condition. In passive hemorrhage of the bowels it may be used, hemorrhage of bronchitis is benefited by its use. Its main use however is in diabetes and enuresis. Best to dispense in glycerine.
The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.