Thuja Occidentalis.

Botanical name: 

Syn.—White Cedar; Arbor Vitae.
P. E.—Small twigs and leaves.
N. O.—Coniferae.
N. H.—United States and Canada.

Properties: Anodyne, antiseptic, alterative, astringent, tonic.

Use: Locally and internally it is of value in gangrenous ulcers, acute venous gangrene, senile gangrene, nasal polypus and scaly skin diseases, in which cases a 25 to 50% solution of the tincture may be used locally. As a hypodermic injection in hydrocele a 25 to 50% solution may be injected after the fluid has been drawn off. Then manipulate the scrotum so as to bring all the internal surface in touch with drug. In hernia and hemorrhoids a 25 to 50% solution may be injected. Having a special influence on epithelial cells, it is of some value in warts, epithelioma, condylomata and goitre, both locally and internally. Of value in incontinence of urine in children and old people, the result of atony and relaxed condition of the bladder and urinary apparatus. In enuresis caused by enlarged prostate gland. In spermatorrhea the result of masturbation or over-indulgence, especially if there is depression of the mind in these cases. May often be combined in these conditions with staphisagria, saw palmetto or avena sativa to great advantage. Bed sore or other sores which fail to heal on account of local nerve exhaustion are much benefited by the application of thuja; in these cases use a 25 to 50% solution of the tincture. Dose, internally from 3 to 10 drops of the tincture 2 to 4 times a day. As it has a positive tonic effect on the muscular walls and mucous membranes of the bladder and urinary apparatus it is a good remedy where women cannot hold their urine on coughing or sneezing.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.