Stramonium,—Thorn Apple.

Botanical name: 

Source and Composition. The leaves and seeds of Datura Stramonium, a bushy, indigenous herb, also of the order Solanaceae. It contains an alkaloid, Daturine, probably identical with Atropine, also Malic Acid, etc.


Extractum Stramonii Seminis,—Dose, gr. ⅙-½.
Extractum Stramonii Seminis Fluidum,—Dose, ♏︎j-v.
Tinctura Stramonii Seminis,—15 per cent. Dose, ♏︎v-xxx.
Unguentum Stramonii,—has of the extract 10 per cent.

Physiological Action is similar to that of Belladonna in almost every particular; but Stramonium is more powerful, and acts chiefly on the sympathetic system, not affecting the motor or sensory nerves. It excites a greater degree of cardiac irregularity, and a more furious delirium ; and seems to have a special affinity for the generative apparatus.

Therapeutics. Stramonium is chiefly used to relieve pain. In—

Dysmenorrhoea and Neuralgia,—combined with Opium and Hyoscyamus.
Spasmodic Affections, as asthma, laryngeal cough, hepatic colic, etc.
Asthma,—the leaves are smoked to advantage at the commencement of a paroxysm, the smoke being drawn into the lungs.
Mania of furious character, especially the puerperal form, with suicidal tendency,—Stramonium is highly serviceable, in 10-20 ♏︎ doses of the tincture every three or four hours, until relief is obtained.
Nymphomania, with great mental depression,—it is very useful.
Chorea and Stammering,—Stramonium is a good remedy.
Ulcers of irritable character,—the Ointment is much used as an anodyne.
Tic Douloureux and Sciatica,—it is often efficient.

A Compend of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Prescription Writing, 1902, by Sam'l O. L. Potter, M.D., M.R.C.P.L.