Chap. 026. Of the Common Greater Wild Arach.

Botanical name: 

Arach, Wild Common. Arach, Wild Greater. I. The Names. It is called in Greek, ’Ατζαραξις αγφα μεγλη: In Latin, Atriplex sylvestris vulgatior sinuata major; Atriplex Sylvestris major: and in English, The Common Greater Wild Arrach.

II. The Kinds. It is the first Species of the Wild Kind, which Wild Kind, is,
1. Greater, the Subject of this Chapter.
2. Lesser.
3. Narrow-leaved, &c.

III. The Description. It has a Root somewhat Long, Woody, and Fibrous, perishing Yearly, from whence springs up strong, round hard Stalks and Branches, with large Leaves on them, like those of the Garden, but not so broad, or pointed at the Bottoms, yet much waved or cut in on the edges, and of a dirty, mealy, green Colour: the tops of the Branches are repleat with long spikes of Chaffy Husks, out of which come small yellowish green flowers, which afterwards give small blackish Seed, like unto Purslane.

IV. There is another of this larger Kind, but it is lower, and lesser in every part; it is also narrower, and a little waved on the edges, and perishing every Year, as the former does.

V. The Places. It is found by Hedge and Ditch sides, and often times on or near Dunghills in most places of this Kingdom.

VI. The Times. It Flowers in June and July, and the Seed Ripens in the mean time: and if the Year is warm, it is sometimes in Flower in May.

VII. The Qualities. It is cold and moist in the second Degree: Alterative, Attenuating, Digestive, Emollient, and Cleansing: and in its appropriations is Hysterick, and Arthritick.

VIII. The Specification. It is a peculiar remedy against an Erysipelas, or Ignis Sacer, as they call it; and Fits of the Mother.

IX.The Preparations.
1. The Seed in Pouder.
2. A Juice.
3. An Essence.
4. A Syrup.
5. A Cataplasm.
6. The Balsam.

The Virtues.

X. The Seed. Given from half a dram, to a dram and half, in Pouder, in Ale, Mead, or Wine, it purges upwards and downwards, troubles the Stomach and Bowels, evacuates Choler, and is helpful in the Yellow Jaundice.

XI. The Juice. It is an effectual thing against all sorts of Inflamations in what part of the Body soever; and injected up the Womb, with a Womb-Syringe, it is prevalent against Fits of the Mother: Bathed on an Erysipelas, and Cloths dipt therein, being also laid thereon, it is said to cure that Disease.

XII. The Essence. It cleanses the Womb of its filth, is good against Vapors, and Fits of the Mother, and a vehement heat of the Stomach. Dose from j. ounce to ij. ounces, mixt with White Port Wine.

XIII. The Syrup. It opens Obstructions of the Lungs, and if timely given, helps an Empyema, or Inflamation of the Lungs, and Hysterick Diseases, cooling the heat of Lust. Dose from j. to ij. ounces.

XIV. The Cataplasm. It abates Inflamations, and eases the Gout, and other Pains proceeding from a hot Cause. It gives ease also in a violent hot Megrim or Head-ach.

XV. The Balsam. It removes an Inflammation in Wounds and Ulcers, cools, cleanses, and disposes them to healing, being a good Vulnerary.

Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.
This chapter has been proofread by Lisa Haller.