Chap. 061. Beets Red.
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I. The Names. This Plant is called by the Greeks, Τευτλον εριθρο ν: by the Latines, Beta rubra, and Beta nigra: and by us in English, The Red Beet.
II. The Kinds. It is the third Species of the Generick Kind, as is before declared.
III. The Description. This Kind differs nothing from the former White Beet, but only that it is not sο great, and that both the Roots and Leaves are somewhat red: the Root is red, spongy, and not used to be eaten. The Leaves are in some more red than in others, which have but red Veins or Streaks in them; in some of a fresh red, in others of a very dark red, streaked here and there confusedly. The Flowers and Seed differ little or nothing from the former.
IV. The Places. It grows where the former grows, and with us are only brought up in Gardens.
V. The Times. They are Sowed in the Spring: endure all Summer, and sometimes all Winter, Flower in July, and the Seed is Ripe in August.
VI. The Qualities. It is temperate as to heat and cold; and dry in the first, some think in the second Degree. It is Abstersive, Astringent, and Vulnerary: Cephalick, Splenetick, Nephritick, Hysterick and Arthritick, Alterative, and Analeptick.
VII. The Specification. It is a peculiar thing for stopping the Blood in any kind of Hemorrhage.
VIII. The Preparations. They are the same with the former, as,
1. A Liquid Juice.
2. An Inspissate Juice.
3. An Essence.
4. A Decoction.
5. An Errhine.
6. A Cataplasm.
The Virtues.
IX. All these Preparations have the same Virtues with the former, and may be given in the same manner and Dose. But this difference is observed, that these are more Astringent or Binding and therefore, both the Liquid and Solid Juices, the Essence and Decoction, all very effectually stop the overflowing of the Terms in Women, and stop other Fluxes of Blood: and are more effectual for curing any Ulcer, or running Sore, and to dry up and remove moist and running Scabs, and other like defœdations of the Skin. They are good against the Bloody Flux, and other Fluxes of the Bowels, stop the Whites in Women, and help the Yellow Jaundice, and this more especially if daily given for some time mixed with a small quantity of the Tincture of Mars.
Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.
This chapter was proofread by Therese Richardson.