Chap. 105. Calamint, Wild.

Botanical name: 

Calamint Water Large English. Calamint Spotted. Calamint lesser Hoary.

I. The Names. It is called in Greek, ***********, In Latin, Calamintha agrestis: and in English, Wild Calamint.

II. The Kinds. We shall treat here of three several Kinds of it:
1. Calamintha arvensis verticillata, sive Aquatica Lobellij, Field Calamint with whorled Coronets. (no idea. -Henriette.)
2. Calamintha altera odore Pulegij, foliis maculosis, Calamint having the Pennyroyal Smell, and with Spotted Leaves. (Calamintha nepeta. -Henriette.)
3. Calamintha minor incana, The lesser hoary Calamint. (no idea. -Henriette.)

III. The Description. The first of these has a small Root, abiding long, and not perishing after Seed time: From which Root come forth several square hoary Stalks full of Joints and two small, and almost round hoary Leaves set thereat, up to the tops, something like to Pennyroyal leaves, of a brisk, sharp, and quick Scent, yet Sweet withal, like unto Pennyroyal. Towards the Tops of the Stalks and Branches there stand, with the leaves, many purplish flowers, several being set together, in a kind of Whorle or Coronet; after which comes small blackish Seed.

IV. The second or Spotted Calamint, differs not much from the Common Calamint in the former Chapter, but that it grows nothing near so great nor high; it has square, hard, hoary Stalks, and hoary Leaves thereon like it; but spotted here and there, of a very strong Scent like unto Pennyroyal. The Flowers grow in the same manner as the Common Calamint in Cap. 104. Sect. 4. but smaller, and of a pale Purple color, having much like small blackish Seed.

V. The third, or Lesser hoary Calamint, has a fibrous Root like the others, and not perishing yearly. From which spring up small, low, and slender hoary Stalks, not above a Foot high, on which, at every Joint, are set two Leaves, as in the other Kinds, but smaller, and more hoary, yea smaller than the least Bush Basil. The Flowers are very small, but like the last described, and of a less heady smell, with like Seed also, but something lesser.

VI. The Places. The first grows in many places of England, both in plowed Grounds, and moist Meadows.
The second, Pena says he found on certain Hills in Lombardy; and in several places of our own Land, but not always spotted: I have found, it in several places of South Carolina.
The third and last is not common with us, but only nourished up in Gardens: It grows in Candia, from whence the Seed came first to Camerarius.

VII. The Times. They Flower in June and July, and their Seed is ripe soon after.

VIII. As to their Qualities, Specification, Preparations, Virtues and Uses, they are exactly the same with those in the former Chapter, and therefore to those I refer you.

Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.
This chapter has been proofread by Nick Jones.