Chap. 120. Of Celandine.
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chap. cxx.
Of celandine.
Names. It is called in Greek, "Xi*sJ$rmt In Latin, Chelidonium, and ^hclidonium majus, Hirundmaria major : In A-rabick, Kauroch, feu Memiram : and in English, Celandine, and Celandine the Greater. This latter name is given to it, because another Plant lesser than this, has the name of Celandine given to it and is called the letter \ and yet it has no Kin or Relation to it : and therefore fbr diftinaion fake, this is called Celandine the Greater It is also foretimes called Swallow-wort,m anfwer to the latter Latin name. The name is said to arise from Swallows curing the Eyes of their young ones when
they were hurt, therewith; but as it is a thing wholy fabulous, so we leave it.
II. The Kinds. It is twofold, I. X.Ai^'r/or το μ'γχ
Kctvlv, Chelidonium majus vulgare, Common Great Celandine. 2. Xsa/AW ri μ»γϋ tttonUto, Chelidonium majus Laciniatum, Jagged Celandine.
III. The description. Common Celandine has a Root somewhat great at the Head, jhooting forth several other long Roots, with small reddijh Fibres or Strings spring ing from them, the infide being yellow, andjullof a yellow Juice : erom this Root springs
up fevctd tender, round, whitijh, green Stalks, with larger Joints than are ordinary in other Plants oj like magnitude, like as it were knees, very brittle, and eafie to break, from whence spring forth Branches of a dark blewish green color on the upper side, like unto Columbines, and of a more pale btewijh green underneath, full of a yellow juice or Milk, tvhich iffues jorth, when any part is broken, of a bitter Tajle, and strong Smell. At the tops of the Branches, which are much divided, grow gold yellow flowers, having four Leaves a piece, after which come small long Cods, with blackish Seed therein.
IV. T1?e Jagged Celandine, grows in its Roots and Stalks, and almost in all things else like unto the former, save that the Leaves are thinner, and the divisions ftenderer, and more cut in on the edges : the flowers conjift also of four Leaves a piece, and are of the same golden yellow color, but somewhat larger than the other, and are each of them cut in on the edges, as the green Leaves are, jor which reason Clusius calls it, Chelidonium majus laciniato flore this, as the other, by Jheddang its Seed, rises again before Winter, and so continues flower,ng the next Spring, and seeding in Summer.
V. The Places. The first is nourished up by many in Gardens ; but is also found growing Wild in many places by old Wall sides, and by the Hedges and Way sides in unfilled gtound in several parts of this Kingdom, delighting in shady places. The ie--cond is only found growing in Gardens.
VI. The Times. They both flower all the Summer long, from the Month of April. and in the mean feafen the Cods come to perfection, and yield ripe Seed.
VII. The Qualities. They are both hot and dry in the third Degree and of ah Abfterfive or Cleanfing Faculty; Aperitive, Sudorifick, Hepatick, Ar-thritick, Alterative and Alexipharmick.
VIII. The Specification. It is said to be a p&uliar thing agiinft the yellow Jaundice.
IX. The Preparations. You may have therefrom, I. The liquid Juice. 2. The Essence. 2. The Decoction in Wine. 4. T)ie Pouder of the Root. c. The Inspissate Juice* 6. The Distilled Water. 7. The Spirituous Tincture. 8. The Acid Tincture. 9. The Saline Tincture. 10. A Cataplasm.* n. A Mixture.
The Virtues.
X. The liquid Juice. Being taken fasting from one ounce to two ounces mixed with a dram or two ot Mithndate, and a Glass of Wine, it is of singular good use against the Plague or Pestilence, the Patient being laid to Sweat thereupon. The Juice dropped into the Eyes, cleanses them from Films, and Clouds which hinder the fight; more especially if mixed with a little of the Distilled Water, to allay it. It is also to good purpose used in old running Sores, and filthy and corroding Ulcers where-loever, to hinder their malignity, and stop their running and fretting, and to cause them the more speedily to heal. The Juice often applied to Warts, Corns, Tettars, Ring-worms, or such other like fpreading Sores, destroys their Acrid ferment, and also cures them.
XI. The Essence. It has all the Virtues of the Liquid Juice, but much more powerful to the intentions, and may be given in the same Dose in Wine. It opens Obstructions of the Gall, Bladder, Liver, and Spleen, and prevails against the Diopfie, and yellow Jaundice.
XII. The Decoction of the Herbs and Roots in Wine. You may boil with them a few Anniseeds also. it has the Virtues of the Liquid Juice, and Essence, but not altogether so poweiful. It cleanses much, and so is helpful against the Yellow Jaundice, and gargled in the Mouth eases the Tooth Ach. . XIII. The Pouder of the Root, Put uppii Aching Gums or Teeth, or upon a loose or hollow Tooth, it will ease the Pain prelently : and as Authors say, quickly cause them to fall out. Vix Credo. The over Credulous may easily make a Tryal
XIV. The Inspissate juice. This is thougnt to be better for the Eyes than the liquid Juice, because many of the sharp Particles by the Infpiiiution are Evaporated. You may diflblve it with a little Breast Milk, or Cows Milk, and lo drop it into the Eves, it is good against Clouds, Films, Blood-ihot, Inflammations, Pearls, and other Diseases of the byes,
XV. The Distilled Water. It is said to he a good thing to clear the Eye-light; and taken with a little Mithridate or Venice Treacle, and Sweating thereon, it is good against Malign and Peltflencial Di£ eases; and may be used as a Vehicle for other Preparations.
XVI. The Spirituous Tincture. It has the Virtues of the Essence; and is a singular good thing against cold and moist Diltempers of the Head, Nerves, Stomach, Liver and Womb. It prevails against Vertigo's, Lethargies, Convulsions, Cramps, Palsies, Lameness, Numbness, and Contortions of the Bowels. By the constant use of this Tincture for about fix or feven Months, I knew a Man of about thirty fix or thirty eight Years of Age, perfectly cured of the Palfie. Dose one, two or diree drams at a time,s Morning and Evening ( and in very cold habits of Body, Morning, Noon, and Night ) in a Glass of Madera, or other generous Wine. In Cramps and Convulsions it would be good to bathe the parts affected therewith: and in Palsies, to bathe thoie parts of the Back Bone, whose Vertebra fend Neives to the places afflicted.
XVII. The Acid Tincture. It has all the Virtues of the liquid Juice, and Essence, and is indeed a powerful thing against all Malign and Peltllentiai Fevers, for it actually destroys the malignity, and abates the heat of the Fever.. Outwardly applied, it is found of singular good use to take away defce-dations, or defilements of the Skin.
XVIII. The Saline Tincture. It is good for those who are troubled with the Itch, or have old Sores in their Legs, or other parts of their Bodies : it also takes away Tanning, Sun-burning, Scurf, Morphew, black and blew Spots, and other difcolorings and deformities of the Skin.
XIX. The Cataplasm. The Green Herb, with the Roots, being Bruised, and made into a Cataplasm, with a little Oil of Camomil, and pouder of Or-rice Roots and Zedoary, and applied hot to the Navel, it eales the Griping pains of the Belly and Bowels, as also the pains ot the Mother. And applied to the Left side takes away Stitches, and eases the pains of the Spleen. Applied also to Wo-mens Breaits, who have their C.ourfes in too great a measure, it stops them, and gives great relief to diiafteaions of the Mamillary parts.
XX. The Mixture. £ of the liquid Juice four ounces i Oil Olive one ounce : flowers of Sulphur an ounce and half: mix them. It cures the Itch, Morphew, Scurf or Dandiiff, fcald Heads, difcolorings of blows or Wounds, Tettars, Ring-worms, and other like difcompofures of the Skin, being anointed therewith, Morning and Evening, for some time.
Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.