Related entries: Aralia spinosa under stimulants - Aralia spinosa under diaphoretics - Aralia hispida under diuretics
The root of Aralia nudicaulis.
Therapeutic Action.—This species of Aralia is described as alterative, diaphoretic, pectoral, depurative, and vulnerary; it is regarded by many as a valuable alterative agent.
A strong decoction of this agent may be employed in chronic diseases of a cachectic character, as scrofula, cancer, or when the carcinomatous diathesis exists; in syphilis either in the secondary or tertiary form; in chronic rheumatism, particularly if of a mercurial character; in herpetic affections, embracing every species indicating a general taint of the system, and also in all the various cutaneous diseases in which a general depurative or alterant course of medication is deemed appropriate or even indispensible.
It is also used in the same forms in chronic pectoral affections, as coughs, colds, catarrhal affections, phthisis, pain in the thorax arising from irritation or chronic inflammation of the respiratory organs.
Aralia racemosa.
Therapeutic Action.—The Aralia racemosa is alterative, tonic, diaphoretic, stimulant, pectoral, and demulcent. The medical properties and uses of this agent are quite similar to those of the preceding species. As an alterative it is less frequently used than the Nudicaulis, although often used in domestic practice in the same diseases to fulfill the same indications. It is, however, more frequently employed in chronic pulmonic affections, as in phthisis, chronic catarrhal affections, coughs and colds.
The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.