
The root of Gentiana lutea.—Europe.

Preparation.—Tincture of Gentian.

Dose.—From five drops to half a drachm.

Therapeutic Action.—Gentian is tonic, stomachic, slightly stimulant and feebly laxative. The latter properties are so feeble as to rarely receive any especial notice. It possesses all the tonic and stomachic powers of the simple bitters in a high degree, and is remarkably well adapted to all states of the system requiring their use. It proves most valuable in cases of a phlegmatic and torpid character, but is contra-indicated in febrile diseases; nor is it adapted to cases of irritation or inflammation of the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane. It is, however, very extensively employed, and is to be regarded as an efficient tonic.

Gentiana ochroleuca.

Dose.—Of the powder, from grs. x. to ʒss.; of the tincture, the same doses as the preceding variety.

Therapeutic Action.—This variety of Gentian is described as tonic, aperient and antiperiodic. It is deemed of much importance by those who bave used it, as a tonic and stomachic in debilitated conditions of the stomach and bowels.

It is said to be useful in counteracting the formation of acid in the alimentary canal, and its capacity for imparting tone to the digestive organs adds to the probability of the statement. It has been employed with advantage in intermittent fever, and as an emmenagogue.

Gentiana catesbaei.

The root.

Preparation.—Tincture of Gentiana Catesboei.

Dose.—From five drops to half a drachm.

Therapeutic Action.—This species of Gentian is tonic, stomachic and diaphoretic; it is much used in some portions of the Southern States, and is said to be scarcely inferior to the imported article. It is a pure bitter, and as such may be substituted for other agents of this class. It is employed in dyspepsia and debilitated states of the system, arising from indigestion.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.