
Botanical name: 

Related entry: Opium under narcotics

Opium, the general properties of which will be considered under the class of Narcotics, is a very important diaphoretic. In cases where there is a dry and constricted state of the surface, restlessness, nervous excitability or irritability, as in fevers, inflammatory diseases, etc., the anodyne, sedative, and tranquilizing influences of opium are almost invariably accompanied by a relaxation of the surface and free perspiration; this is especially the case if aided by quiet, warmth, and the free use of warm diluents. Ipecacuanha, camphor, nitrate of potash, and other nauseating and sedative agents, associated with opium, greatly contribute to accomplish this desirable end. Ablutions, either cold or tepid, according to the state of the surface, and depressed or exalted manifestations, are likewise powerful auxiliary measures in securing the fulfillment ï this indication.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.