Aesculus hippocastanum. (Horse chestnut.)

Botanical name: 

Preparation.—Take of the recent nut, fully ripe, four ounces, bruise it thoroughly, and cover with alcohol 76° one pint; let it stand fourteen days and filter.

Dose, two to four drops, in water.

The bark of this variety has been employed to a limited extent as a tonic, and possesses feeble anti-periodic powers. Quinine being employed to break the chill, this agent was sufficient to prevent its recurrence. The pulverized kernel has been used as a sternutatory for the relief of headache and facial neuralgia. The nuts were also thought to possess some special influence over hemorrhoids and rheumatism.

The influence upon the nervous system is similar in kind to the buckeye, though not so active. This probably will be its best field of action, standing midway between Belladonna on the one hand and Nux Vomica on the other.

It exerts the same influence upon the circulation as the Aesculus Glabra, and has been successfully employed in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It will doubtless be found to improve the circulation generally, and may be employed whenever there is want of power in the heart, capillary stasis, or tendency to congestion.

Specific Medication and Specific Medicines, 1870, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.