Phytolacca Decandra. (Poke.)

Botanical name: 

Preparation.—We prepare a tincture from the fresh root, ℥viij. to Alcohol 76° Oj. Dose gtts. ij. to ʒss.

This is one of those remedies that loses its medical properties by drying, and the crude article furnished from drug stores is wholly worthless, as are the preparations from it.

The tincture of the fresh root is one of my favorite remedies. It exerts a direct influence upon the processes of waste and nutrition, and therefore possesses those properties called alterative in a high degree. I have used it in secondary syphilis, in chronic skin disease, and in scrofula, with excellent results.

It has a direct influence upon the mammary glands, and will generally arrest inflammation if given in the early stage. I also employ it in cases of sore nipples, both internally and locally, with good results.

It has been considerably employed in diphtheria, and many believe it will be found a specific to the sore throat. In this disease it is given internally, and employed as a local application.

It will be found a very valuable remedy, and as it is so common, I would advise every one to prepare them a tincture in the fall and test it in practice.

Specific Medication and Specific Medicines, 1870, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.