Polygala Senega. (Senega.)
Preparation.—Prepare a tincture from the recent dried root, ℥viij. to Alcohol 50° Oj. Dose, gtts. ij. to gtts. xx.
The stimulant influence of Senega upon the throat and bronchial mucous membrane is well known, and is probably its most important use. For this purpose I prefer to use it in the form of tincture to that of syrup so commonly employed. In chronic bronchitis with profuse secretion, it may be combined with small doses of Ipecac and Veratrum.
Its influence upon the kidneys and reproductive organs needs to be studied, and I have no doubt some important uses will be found for it. I have employed it in squamous disease of the skin, and like its action very much; it is one of a very few remedies that influence these diseases.
Specific Medication and Specific Medicines, 1870, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.