
Pithecelobium bigeminum Mart. Leguminosae. Soap-Bark Tree.

East Indies and Malay. The tree has long, twisted fruit, sweet to the taste but inducing dysentery and it, therefore, was prohibited by Alexander. It is called ta nyen in Burma, where the natives are extravagantly fond of the seeds as a condiment to preserve fish, notwithstanding sometimes disastrous consequences.

Pithecelobium dulce Benth.

American tropics. The sweet pulp of the pod is wholesome. The plant is extensively cultivated in India as a hedge plant. In Mexico, it is called guamuckil, and the fruit is boiled and eaten. In Manila, the species is grown for its fruit, which is eaten. The sweet, firm pulp in the curiously twisted pods is eaten.

Pithecelobium lobatum Benth.

A large tree of Burma. The seeds are eaten as a condiment.

Pithecelobium saman Benth. Rain Tree. Saman. Zamang.

Tropical America. This is a Mexican tree yielding edible pods.

Pithecelobium unguis-cati Benth. Cat's Claw.

Mexico and the West Indies. The pulp about the seed is eaten by the natives. In the West Indies it is eaten by the negroes.

Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World, 1919, was edited by U. P. Hedrick.