Indications For Remedies.

Achillea. In irritative conditions of the urinary apparatus, strangury and suppression of urine. The best results are obtained from the infusion. Of the specific tincture, use in from five to ten drop doses.

Acids. A deep red tongue.

Acidum Benzoicum. Very strong smelling urine.

Acidum Carbolicum. As a topical antiseptic, one part to five or twenty of glycerine or linseed or olive oil.

Acidum Hydrocyanicum. An elongated and pointed tongue, reddened tip and edges; uneasy sensations in stomach, with painful retchings—5 drops of the commercial acid to water 4 ounces, in small and frequently repeated doses.

Acidum Muriaticum. A deep-red tongue, brown coat and sordes.

Acidum Nitricum. Violet color of tongue; in many cases it seems like a transparent color over red—20 drops to water 4 ounces.

Acidum Sulphurosum. Tongue of natural color, full, dirty; tissues of throat look full and lifeless. The skin has a rusty, lifeless appearance.

Aconite. In fevers and inflammatory conditions with a small, frequent pulse, and increased temperature—and especially in quinsy, croup, irritant diarrhea and dysentery—5 - 10 drops to water 4 ounces.

Adonis. In mitral insufficiency, palpitation, irregular action of the heart, dropsy, and dyspnea, this agent will prove a good tonic, 10 - 20 drops to water 4 ounces.

Aesculus. A stimulant to the nervous system, and useful in difficult breathing of asthma when not of a paroxysmal character, also a good remedy in hemorrhoids—10 - 30 drops to water 4 ounces.

Agrimony. Atonic conditions of the urinary apparatus, and where the urine is thick and gelatinous. Improves the tone of all mucous membranes—1 - 2 drams to water 4 ounces.

Alcoholic Stimuli. When there is prostration, the pulse being soft and feeble—small quantities frequently repeated.

Aletris Farinosa. Too frequent menstruation, with labor-like pain and sense of debility in pelvis; complains of pelvic articulation, or inability to support the body on the feet—10 drops to 1 dram in water 4 ounces.

Alkalies. A broad, pallid tongue.

Aloes. The patient evacuates the lower bowel with difficulty—10 drops to water 4 ounces.

Alumina (aluminium oxide). Can not pass the urine without great straining, as at stool—a trituration, 1-100 to 1-10, dose one grain.

Ammonii Bromidum. Convulsive action of the muscles; convulsions when there is a return to consciousness; epileptiform disease—2 drams to 1 ounces in water 4 ounces.

Ammonii Muriaticum. Deep or dull redness of the surface, effaced by pressure slowly returns—1 dram to water 4 ounces, and as a bath.

Ammonii Iodidum. Dull pain in head with dizziness, and inability to command the voluntary muscles—½ ounce to water 4 ounces; a teaspoonful three times a day.

Amygdalis Persica. An elongated and pointed tongue, reddened tip and edges, gastric tenderness—an infusion, or of the tincture 20 drops to 2 drams in water 4 ounces.

Antimonium Tartaricum. Stridulous breathing, with difficult respiration, seemingly from want of muscular power—3d to 6th decimal trituration in doses of one-fourth grain.

Apis (tincture of the honey bee). Itching with burning of the surface, especially of the genitalia or urinary passages—10 drops to water 4 ounces.

Apocynum Cannabinum. Fullness of eyelids, swelling of the feet, edema of any portion of the superficial cellular tissue, dropsy—2 - 20 drops to water 4 ounces.

Aralia Hispida. Dropsy of cavities—an infusion, or the tincture, ½ ounce to water 4 ounces.

Argentum Nitricum. Intense tormina and tenesmus, with discharge of pinkish mucus, streaked with bright blood—one-third to one-fourth grain in form of pill.

Arnica. Tensive pain in the back as if bruised or strained; muscular pain and soreness when the limbs are moved; feeble respiration—10 drops to water 4 ounces.

Arsenicum (Fowler's solution). Skin has lost its elasticity, epidermis dry; tendency to the formation of vesicles; tongue contracted and pointed; pulse soft and easily compressed—1 - 10 drops in 4 ounces water. (Donovan's solution.) We employ this preparation in the treatment of secondary syphilis, if the tongue is small and its redness increased.

Arum Triphyllum. Intensely sore throat, bleeding, with marked fetor; sense of fullness and swelling of the throat and tongue—10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Asclepias Tuberosa. Pulse strong, vibratile; skin moist, pain acute and seemingly dependent on motion—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum (chloride of gold and sodium). Indolent chancres and buboes, not sensitive; secondary and tertiary symptoms; in all cases the tongue is contracted and redder than usual—gr. 1/60 to 1/12, in pill or lozenge. In its action the properties of gold differ but little from those of mercury.

Avena. Sleeplessness with irritability, nervous prostration due to mental strain, headache, melancholia, and hysteria. A nerve tonic, stimulant, and anti-spasmodic—1 - 2 drams in 4 ounces water.

Baptisia. Face full, dusky, purplish-red, like one who has been in the cold for a long time; tongue has the same dusky, purplish color; headache doll, pulse oppressed—5 - 10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Barosma. A highly acid urine, with a constant desire to urinate without any apparent relief from micturition—2 - 4 drams in 4 ounces water.

Baryta Carbonica. Weight and pressure about the pubes; scanty menstruation; very sensitive to cold. (2d to 6th trituration in doses of gr. ¼ to gr. 1.)

Belladonna. Dullness, hebetude, disposition to sleep, coma, eyes dull, pupils dilated—5 - 10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Berberinae Sulphas. Profuse menorrhagia, with an active circulation—gr. 1 to grs. 2.

Bismuth (liquor). Tongue red, papillae prominent; uneasy sensations in stomach towards the close of digestion, extending downwards and terminating in diarrhea—gastro-intestinal irritation—20 drops to 1 dram.

Boletus Laricis. Chills confined to the back; chills alternated with flushes of heat; great weight and debility of the back—10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Bromine. As an inhalation in croup—10 drops in 4 ounces water, heated.

Bryonia. Pain of a tensive cutting character, of serous membranes; headache extending from forehead to occiput, right side; right cheek flushed; cough hacking, as from some irritating substance; rheumatic pain has the same tensive, cutting character.

Cactus Grandiflorus. Irregular movements of the heart; irregular pulse, usually increased in frequency; unpleasant sensations in precordia and fear of impending danger. The action of the heart is always impaired, never increased—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Calcarea Carbonica. Enlargement of lymphatic glands; pallid inelastic skin; softness of tissues; diseases of the reproductive apparatus of women, with these symptoms—Homeopathic triturations.

Calcium Hypophosphite. Is especially indicated when there is a deposit of aplastic or cacoplastic material in connective tissue, slight inflammatory symptoms resulting; tuberculosis; phthisis pulmonalis—grs. 2 to grs. 5 three times a day.

Calendula. In enfeebled conditions of the capillary blood vessels. An excellent application to ulcers and wounds—1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Calx (lime). A remedy for boils, and inflammations of cellular tissue having something of this character. In infantile dyspepsia, when the discharges from the bowels are green, and the child throws up curdled milk—lime water.

Calx Chlorinata. The tongue is pallid, breath fetid; inflammation of cellular tissue, with tendency to sloughing—1 drachm to water 16 ounces, filtered; dose 10 drops ½ dram, largely diluted.

Camphor. Insomnia and restlessness, the pulse being soft, tongue moist; diarrhea—gr. ⅛ to gr. 1.

Cannabis Indica. Painful micturition with tenesmus; insomnia with unpleasant' dreams during momentary sleep—10 - 20 drops in 4 ounces water.

Capsicum. In full doses (½ to 1 dram) in delirium tremens, with feeble pulse, cold extremities, and pallid face.

Carbo-Veg. Pallid skin, feeble circulation, with hemorrhage; pale tongue, with slight coat, lifting in patches; tumid, doughy abdomen. It is the remedy for asthenic hemorrhage—2d dec. trituration, dose gr. 1.

Caulophyllum. Uterine pains and tenderness in persons of full but lax habit; rheumatic pains in asthenic plethora. In labor with deficient pains when the tissues give a sensation of fullness as from congestion—20 drops in 4 ounces water.

Ceanothus. Enlarged spleen, sallow skin, and expressionless face. Profuse secretion of mucus with absence of inflammation—20 drops to 2 drams in 4 ounces water.

Chamomilla. Green watery diarrhea; head sweats; very sensitive—10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Chimaphila. In chronic diseases of genito-urinary mucous membranes, with scanty urine, muco-purulent sediment, vesical tenesmus, frequent micturition, and smarting pains—1 - 3 drams in 4 ounces water.

Chionanthus. Pain in epigastrium and right hypochondrium, simulating colic, sometimes extending to abdomen; intense pain in region of the liver, extending to umbilicus, with great prostration and sometimes nausea; jaundice—2 - 10 drops as a dose.

Chelidonium. Scybalous faeces; pain in right shoulder and in dorsal spine; greenish-yellow tinge of skin.

Chloral. May be used to produce sleep, if the pulse is soft, circulation and temperature equal, temperature not above 100°. In small dose (one grain) it may be used in irritable dyspepsia, associated with hydrastis—dose, grs. 5 to grs. 20

Chloroform. In doses of 1 - 10 drops it may be given in severe and protracted chills; in the same dose it is regarded as a solvent for biliary calculi. Used as an anesthetic. Notice that respiration is regular and free.

Cimicifuga. See Macrotys.

Cinchona or Cinchonidia Sulphas. Has nearly the same value as sulphate of quinia, but not so apt to produce head symptoms. May be used as an antiperiodic if the pulse is soft, skin soft, tongue moist, and nervous system free from irritation. (The antiperiodic quantity for an adult is grs. 10 to grs. 15.)

Cinnamon (a tincture of the oil). This is the most certain remedy I know in post-partum hemorrhage—20 drops to 1 dram, repeated as often as necessary.

Citrus Limonum. Lemon juice is a remedy for rheumatic pain, when the tongue and mucous membranes are very red, the urine being alkaline.

Coca. Easily tired; feeling of weariness; difficult and labored respiration; temperature not increased—1 - 20 drops.

Collinsonia. A sensation as if some foreign body was lodged in the rectum, with contraction of the sphincter; contracted and painful perineum—10 drops to 4 ounces water. In chronic laryngeal irritation or inflammation, with sense of tickling in larynx, and cough arising from use of the voice—1 ounce to syrup 3 ounces.

Colocynth. Cutting pain in the abdomen, with diarrhea and dysentery, tenesmus increasing the pain—5 - 10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Conium. In rheumatic or neuralgic pain of feeble old persons; or in local disease with cacoplastic deposit—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Convallaria. Painful cardiac affections, with difficult breathing, excited heart's action, palpitation and dropsy—20 drops to 2 drams in 4 ounces water.

Cornus. General exhaustion, relaxed tissues, indigestion with stupor, acid eructations with headache and in malarial fevers with sodden tissues—1 - 2 drams in 4 ounces water.

Corydalis. Catarrhal gastritis with coated tongue, foul breath, loss of appetite, and in chronic ulcerative conditions, and in secondary syphilis—1 - 2 drams in 4 ounces water.

Crataegus. Cardiac disturbances, either functional or structural, especially the latter, are benefited by this agent. Cardiac neuralgia, palpitation, vertigo, irregular pulse, etc.—½ to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Cubeba. A remedy in the second stage of gonorrhea, when the acute irritation has passed by; in enfeebled conditions of the large intestine and rectum—grs. 2 to grs. 10.

Cuprum. A blood-maker after severe hemorrhage or exhaustive discharges, the skin being pale and transparent: In chlorosis and other diseases, when the skin has a dirty greenish tinge. The tongue is usually clean and the breath sweet—5 - 10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Cypripedium. In nervousness and sleeplessness from atony—2 - 20 drops in 4 ounces water.

Digitalis. The stroke of the pulse is feeble; the current of blood is easily stopped by pressure; the sounds of the heart faint—10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Dioscorea. Abdominal pain of the nature of colic, with tenderness on pressure—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Drosera. The cough is expulsive as from irritation that can not be controlled; the cough of measles; whooping-cough—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Echinacea. A powerful antiseptic, locally and internally, in the bite of the rattlesnake, diphtheria, typhoid conditions, blood poisoning, and an alterative of great value in strumous diathesis, syphilis, old sores and wounds, 5 drops to 1 dram.

Elaterium. (Elaterium ½ dram, alcohol 16 ounces.) It has a specific influence upon chronic inflammation of the bladder. Passages of mucus or muco-pus with tenesmus; deep soreness in the bladder with dragging in the perineum—½ to 1 dram at first to catharsis, then in doses of 1 - 5 drops.

Epigaea. A tonic or astringent diuretic, specifically adapted, to chronic affections of the urinary apparatus, attended by irritation, an increased secretion of mucus, or a purulent discharge—30 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Epilobium. Diarrhea with colicky pains; feculent discharges with tenesmus; diarrhea with contracted abdomen; chronic diarrhea with harsh, dirty, constricted skin—an infusion, or of the tincture 10 - 20 drops.

Equisetum. A mild diuretic, invaluable in gravel and irritation oi the urinary organs, with dysuria and pain after urinating; also in suppression of urine and dropsical affections—½ to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Ergot. As a stimulant to the capillary circulation, and to the nerve centers—5 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Erigeron (Oil of). A remedy in active hemorrhage, with strong and not very frequent pulse—1 - 5 drops.

Eriodyction Glutinosum (Yerba Santa). Cough with abundant and easy expectoration—5 - 20 drops with syrup.

Eryngium. Uneasiness in the bladder, frequent desire to urinate and painful micturition; pain in the bladder extending to the loins—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Ether Sulphuric. Headache, with pallid, expressionless face, feeble pulse, and cool extremities—5 - 10 drops on a lump of sugar.

Eucalyptus. Sensations of coldness and weight in bowels; cold extremities; cold perspiration; perspiration during chill—in small dose, 10 drops in 4 ounces water; or in ague the larger dose of 10 drops to 1 dram.

Eupatorium (Perfoliatum). Full pulse, full skin, tendency to perspiration even during fever; deep-seated pains in muscles and bones—5 - 20 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Eupatorium (Purpureum). Urine scanty, milky; weight in loins; skin hot, dry, and constricted—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Euphorbia (Hypericifolia). Diarrhea, the discharges being greenish and irritant; frequent desire to go to stool, which relieves sometimes without any motion—10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Euphorbia (Corollata). The elongated and pointed tongue, prominent papillae; uneasy sensations in the stomach and bowels as of a desire to go to stool—10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Ferrum (tine. of the acetate). Pallid transparent skin; blueness of veins; dull, heavy pain in back of head—1 - 5 drops in a wine-glass of water three times a day.

Ferrum (tincture of the chloride). Erysipelatous disease, the part affected being deep red; tongue deep red; mucous membranes and throat somewhat full, and showing some redness—5 - 10 drops at a dose.

Ferrum (syrup of the iodide). Enlargement of the lymphatic glands, without deposit in connective tissue; pallid though full tissues; difficulty in retaining urine; sometimes stillicidium—5 drops to ½ dram.

Gadus Morrhua (cod oil). Deposit of cacoplastic or aplastic material in cellular tissue, with tendency to breaking down, with subacute inflammatory action.

Galium. Nodulated growth or deposits in skin or mucous membranes—10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Gallic Acid. Hemorrhage, with feeble pulse, cold extremities, and inelastic skin—dose, grs. 5.

Gaultheria. Irritation of the base of bladder and prostate, leading to sexual excitement; increased sexual excitement, evidently from wrong of the reproductive organs, and not the mind—5 - 10 drops.

Gelsemium. Flushed face, bright eyes, contracted pupils, increased heat of head, restlessness and indisposition to sleep, pain in the entire head; urine is passed with difficulty and in small quantity, with sense of irritation in the urinary organs.

Gentiana. Sense of depression referred to epigastric region, and associated with sense of physical and memal weariness—1 - 5 drops.

Geranium. Diarrhea with constant desire to go to stool; chronic diarrhea with mucous discharges—1 - 10 drops.

Ginseng. Nervous dyspepsia; sensation of dullness in head, with inability -to control the voluntary muscles—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Gossypium. In large doses will bring on and stimulate uterine contraction. As an emmenagogue when there is backache, with sense of dragging in the pelvis; sense of fullness and weight in the bladder, with difficult micturition—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Graphites (1st homeopathic dilution). Tardy menstruation, with disturbance of the nervous system; skin pale, or pale with dirty tinge; slow, difficult respiration, almost stopping during sleep.

Grindelia. Asthma; labored respiration with dusky flushing of face (person plethoric); old atonic ulcers; tissues full—1 dram to 2 ounces syrup; as a local application, 1 ounce in 16 ounces water.

Grindelia Squarrosa. Pain in the hepatic and splenic regions, especially effective in enlarged spleen; puffiness of the tissues, and pallidity of skin and mucous membranes—1 - 2 drams in 4 ounces water.

Guaiacum. Acute tonsillitis, and in amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea when due to atony of the pelvic viscera—20 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Guarana. Headache, with pallid face, feeble pulse, increased by exertion—10 drops to ½ dram as a dose.

Hamamelis. Fullness and relaxation of tissue; fullness of veins, inclined to dilatation; laxness of muscular fiber; increased secretion of mucus; sensations of fullness, weight and dragging—distilled extract: dose, 1 - 30 drops; and as a local application, one part to three or four of water.

Hedeoma (Pennyroyal). To restore the lochial discharge—use as an infusion.

Helleborus (Niger). Dullness of intellect, heaviness of head, coldness of forehead, with clammy sweat; jelly-like mucous discharge from the bowels—1 - 5 drops in 4 ounces water.

Helonias. Mental depression and irritability associated with chronic disease of the reproductive organs of women—5 drops to ½ dram in 4 ounces water.

Hydrangea. To relieve irritation, and improve the nutrition of the urinary mucous membranes. Influences the respiratory and digestive mucous surfaces in less degree—30 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Hydrastis. Irritation with enfeebled circulation, whether used as an internal remedy or as a local application. It is not a remedy for acute inflammation with arrest of secretion. It is especially applicable in diseases of mucous membranes, should not be used when connective tissue is principally involved—sulphate or phosphate of hydrastia, gr. 1 to water 4 ounces.

Hyoscyamus. "Delirium with hallucinations"—5 - 10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Hypophosphites (Compound syrup). When there is an enfeebled circulation, and feeble nutrition of nerve-centers. The surface is usually pallid, waxen, and the extremities inclined to be cold.

Hypericum Perforatum. It is claimed that it exerts a marked influence in relieving irritation in injuries of the spine, and in punctured or lacerated wounds of the extremities, preventing tetanus. Relieves the excruciating pain of such injuries—5 drops in 4 ounces water.

Iberis Amara. Cardiac hypertrophy; dropsy from cardiac disease; asthma associated with cardiac disease; pulse "purring," full and tremulous.

Ignatia. Morning chills; feels better out of doors; deep-seated and dull pain in epigastrium, feeling as if the stomach was dragged backwards; weak, empty feeling in stomach; pain shooting from right hypochondrium to shoulder—6 drops in 4 ounces water.

Ipecacuanha. Irritation of mucous membranes, with increased secretion—diarrhea, dysentery; inflammation of parenchyma of lung—5 - 15 drops in 4 ounces water.

Iris. Fullness of throat, enlargement of thyroid gland, fullness of throat with pulsation of arteries—10 drops, water 4 ounces, and as a local application.

Jaborandi. Powerfully increases the secretory action of the sudoriparous and salivary glands. Is useful where there is a high temperature and a dry skin—20 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Juglans Cinerea. In large doses it is an excellent laxative; in small doses it relieves irritation of the stomach and intestines, and promotes digestion. It may be thought of as a remedy in chronic eczema—5 drops in 4 ounces water.

Kalmia. In syphilis with excited circulation—5 - 10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Lactic Acid. Deep redness of the tongue, deep redness of skin, pulse oppressed. (Whey is a most excellent form.)

Lavandula (Compound spirit). The child's stimulant; combined with lobelia in asthenic bronchitis, and in atony of bowels with pain.

Leptandra. Dull heavy pain in right hypochondrium, fullness of abdomen; tongue coated markedly white, but not a fur; is thirsty, but can not drink water; restless and can not sleep—leptandrin gr. ½ to gr. 1; tincture, 10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Lithium (Benzoate of). Uneasiness in the loins, extending to the bladder; passage of mucus with phosphates from bladder; fullness and tension in perineum, and desire to micturate frequently, with difficulty in passing urine—gr. 1 in a glass of water three times daily.

Lobelia. Sense of fullness and oppression in precordial region; oppression of chest and difficult respiration; sharp lancinating pain starting in heart and radiating to left shoulder and arm; mucus rattling in throat; full, oppressed pulse, weak pulse—stimulant doses, 10 - 20 drops at a single dose in angina pectoris; 10 drops in 4 ounces water in ordinary disease; combined with lavender for asthenic bronchitis of the child.

Lycopus. Chronic cough with frequent pulse and high range of temperature; hemorrhage with frequent pulse; albuminuria with frequent pulse; B right's disease—10 - 20 drops in 4 ounces water.

Macrotys. Muscular pains; uterine pain with tenderness; false pains, irregular pains; rheumatism of the uterus; dysmenorrhea. An anti-rheumatic when the pulse is open, the pain paroxysmal, the skin not dry and constricted—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Mangifera. Tonic astringent to enfeebled mucous tissues with profuse discharges. In catarrh; leucorrhea; gleet; diarrhea; dysentery; and all passive hemorrhages—½ to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Menispermum. Skin brown, tongue coated at base, tip red, irregular appetite, constipation—1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Mentha Viridis. Scanty secretion of urine, frequent desire to pass water—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Mitchella. Uneasy sensations in the pelvis, with dragging, tenderness on pressure, frequent desire to pass urine, and difficulty of evacuation—1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Myrica. Increased secretion from mucous membranes, they being full and relaxed; full, oppressed pulse: imperfect circulation to surface and extremities.

Morphia. The pulse is small and soft, waves short and square, distance between waves long—this is the specific indication. It is permissible to relieve pain or produce sleep, when the pulse is soft, tongue moist

Nepeta Cataria. Pain in abdomen, flexing- of the thighs upon the abdomen, writhing of the patient, persistent crying—1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Nicotiana Tabacum (tincture of the fresh plant). Pneumonia or bronchitis, with pallid skin, coldness of extremities, imperfect circulation of blood—10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Nitric Acid. Violet color of tongue, transparent, the redness of the tongue showing below—20 drops in water and syrup 2 ounces.

Nux Vomica. Sallow, expressionless tongue with nausea and vomiting; sallow, expressionless mouth, with tinge of yellow; abdominal pain, paroxysmal, pointing at umbilicus; tumid abdomen with paroxysmal pain; paroxysmal pain in right hypochondrium, shooting to right scapula; paroxysmal pain in uterus, extending to umbilicus; in diarrhea the discharges are large, and attended with colicky pain.

Opium. The pulse is small, with short waves, gives a sensation of fullness. It is permissible to relieve pain and induce sleep, when the pulse is soft and open, the skin soft and inclined to moisture, tongue moist.

Passiflora. Irritation of brain and nervous system; sleepless-ness; in fact, wherever a harmless and certain soporific is demanded. In convulsions of childhood; nervous headache and neuralgia; infantile nervous irritation, tetanus and in epilepsy—20 drops to 4 drams in 4 ounces water.

Penthorum Sedoides. Catarrhal inflammations; nasal catarrh, with fullness of mucous membranes and abundant secretion; spongy gums; fullness of fauces and mucous membrane of pharynx; catarrhal disease of stomach, catarrhal diarrhea—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Phosphorus (tincture of). Vesical and prostatic irritation, with mucoid discharges; fullness with dragging in perineum; discharges of mucus from rectum, with sense of weariness from lower extremities. In pneumonia with sense of oppression, and difficulty of expectoration, livid face—5 - 10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Phosphorus (Phosphorated oil. Phosphorus pills; dose, gr. 1/100 to 1/50). As a nerve stimulant, especially when there is feeble reproductive power. Indications—a soft pulse, cold extremities, inelastic skin, pendulous scrotum, fullness of lower abdomen in women, without sharp pain.

Phytolacca. Soreness of mouth, soreness of throat, with tendency to death of epithelium; diphtheritic deposits, fullness about throat externally; enlarged cervical epithelium; caking of breasts, inflammation of breasts, sore nipples; disease of the skin or of the blood with death of and imperfect reproduction of the epithelium—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Pix Liquida. (Glycerole of Tar.) The remedy for pruritus ani, and for some diseases of the skin with pruritus. For cough with profuse bronchial secretion, add one part of glycerole of tar to seven parts of glycerine, two parts of water.

Plantago. Diseases of the gastro-intestinal mucous surfaces, when there are pinching or colicky pains; inflammatory affections of the skin, when there is pricking, itching, or burning pain; toothache and earache—30 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Podophyllum, Podophyllin. Fullness of veins, fullness of face, fullness of abdomen, fullness of tongue with pasty secretion.

Polygonum. Want of menstrual flow, chilly sensations in back, tensive pain, pain of legs, skin harsh and inactive—10 drops to 2 drams in 4 ounces water.

Polytrichum. A hydragogue diuretic; in some cases incredibly increasing the flow of urine. It is most valuable in uric acid diathesis, lithemia, and in suppression of urine from cold—5 drops to 1 dram.

Potassae Carbonas. Pallid, expressionless tongue, fullness of muscles, greater loss of strength than can be accounted for by conditions of disease—add to water so as to make a pleasant drink, and continue until tongue assumes its normal redness.

Potassae Chloras. The antiseptic of the puerperal state; when portions of the placenta, blood-clots, etc., are retained and undergoing decomposition; fetid lochise, fetid breath, fetor as from decomposing animal matter—from 5 grains to 2 drachms may be given in the twenty-four hours, and used as a local application.

Potassae Nitras. Scanty urine, with difficult respiration; difficult deglutition as from paralysis of muscles of the throat; enlargement of tonsils. Burned to relieve asthma—5 drops to 2 drams in 4 ounces of water.

Potassae Permanganas. As a local application only, in phlegmonous erysipelas, in inflammation where tissues have lost vitality, and are inclined to slough; in the early stage of felons and boils, to arrest the progress of inflammatory action—ordinary use 1 dram to water 16 ounces; for the last use, grs. 10, water 1 ounce.

Potassae Sulphas. The color of the skin is dirty, tissues full and sodden, skin scaly; wounds heal slowly, inflame and suppurate—grs. 5 to grs. 10 three times a day in a glass of water.

Potassii Ferrocyanidum. Hysteria or hypochondriasis, with slow, imperfect waste and nutrition-—1 dram to ½ ounce in 4 ounces of water.

Potassii Bromidum. For sleeplessness and restlessness, when there is a vigorous circulation, but without fever; epilepsy or convulsions with irritation of sexual organs; strong excitement of sexual organs.

Potassii Iodidum. Pale, leaden-colored tongue, usually full; contra-indicated by contracted red tongue. Antisyphilitic with this indication—grs. 5 to grs. 10.

Propylamin. In rheumatism when febrile action has been relieved—5 - 10 drops, mint water 4 ounces.

Pulsatilla. Patient is nervous, despondent, restless, sleepless, pulse soft, easily compressed; eyes dull, dark line under them; reproductive excitement; fear of impending danger; menses arrested, tardy, scanty—10 - 30 drops in 4 ounces of water.

Quinia Sulphas. Periodicity—the pulse being soft, skin soft, tongue moist and cleaning, nervous system free from irritation—antiperiodic quantity grs. 10 to grs. 20. As a stimulant, in small doses, when the above conditions of body are present.

Rheum. Irritation of stomach, nausea, vomiting; tongue elongated, reddened at tip and edges; diarrhea, with tenderness on pressure; sour smell of child—10 - 20 drops in 4 ounces of water.

Rhus Tox. Small, sharp pulse; pain in forehead, especially in left orbit; burning pain; tongue shows red spots on upper surface of tip—5 drops in 4 ounces of water.

Rhus Aromatica. Diabetes, when the urine is pale colored, of high specific gravity, with sugar in it, and the patient debilitated; diarrhea, with profuse and painful discharges; hemorrhage from the mucous surfaces of the kidneys, bladder, gastrointestinal canal, uterus, lungs, and bronchi; incipient albuminuria; hypertrophy of the prostate, with great pain during micturition; enuresis of children and aged persons; chills, thirst, and constipation, with sugar in the urine; chronic diabetes, when no sugar is found in the urine and a large quantity of urine is passed, and there is great thirst; chronic catarrh of the bladder and chronic cystitis; chronic diarrhea and dysentery—30 drops to 3 drams in 4 ounces of water.

Rumex Crispus. Cough, with sense of irritation in trachea and larynx—5 drops to ½ dram in 2 ounces syrup.

Salicin. Periodicity, the patient complaining of severe pain, rheumatic in character, or simulating rheumatism—antiperiodic quantity grs. 15 to grs. 30, in divided doses. As an anti-rheumatic, the febrile action being controlled by the sedative.

Salvia. Profuse sweating, continued inaction of the skin, feet sweat and get cold, night sweats—5 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces of water.

Salicylic Acid. Anti-rheumatic, and the indication, rheumatic pain without much febrile reaction; sub-acute rheumatism. The tongue is slightly leaden colored, and shows spots when the fur is lifted—as an anti-rheumatic, grs. 2, in pill, every three hours until grs. 20 are taken. An admirable local application in chronic catarrhal disease of mucous membrane. Salicylic Acid, Borax, 1 dram each, water 16 ounces.

Sambucus Canadensis. In disease of the skin, when the tissues seem full; epidermis separates and there is abundant serous discharge which forms crusts; indolent ulcers; tissues full, flabby, as if containing water—10 - 20 drops in 4 ounces of water.

Sanguinaria (Nitrate of). Tickling or irritation of throat with cough; sense of irritation in nose; uneasiness at supra-sternal notch; sense of uneasiness and burning in stomach, with nervousness—grs. 1 to grs. 2, syrup and water 4 ounces.

Santonin. Intestinal worms, especially the long round worm; white line around the mouth and frequent itching about the nose, which are marked symptoms of intestinal worms; retention of urine, especially in the advanced stages of acute diseases of children; irritation, pain, and scalding sensations during and after micturition; enuresis, dysuria and chronic cystitis; restlessness at night, gritting of the teeth, and night terrors. Of the first trituration one to three grains three or four times per day.

Saw Palmetto. Has a special action on the glands of the reproductive system, as mammae, ovaries, prostate, testes, etc., tending to increase their functional activity; best effect produced upon enlarged prostate. Specially useful in atrophy of testes or uterus, and in all prostatic troubles—20 drops to 2 drams in 4 ounces water.

Scutellaria. Hysteria with inability to control the voluntary muscles; nervousness manifesting itself in muscular action—5 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water. Sometimes quite large doses will be required.

Secale, Ergot. Dullness of intellect, disposition to sleep, dizziness; tissues full, inelastic; pulse oppressed; fullness of abdomen; hemorrhage with above conditions—1 drop to ½ dram.

Senecio. Enlargement of uterus with uterine or cervical leucorrhea; difficulty in urination—5 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Sodae Nitras. Violet color of tongue, transparent, the tongue being somewhat pallid below; tongue full, swollen, covered with a white or yellowish mucus—10 drops to 2 drams in 4 ounces water.

Sodae Phosphas. As a restorative when there is pallidity of the tongue and mucous membrane, and constipation. It is especially valuable for children—grs. 1 to grs. 20, three times a day.

Sodae Sulphas. As an antidote to lead—½ ounce to water 4 ounces. To increase waste, when the skin is full, inelastic with brownish-sallow discoloration—grs. 2 to grs. 15 in a glass of water three times a day. It is a remedy in dysentery when there is the same appearance of skin.

Sodae Sulphis. The tongue is broad, pallid, and has a dirty coat—grs. 2 to grs. 20.

Spongia Tosta (in homeopathic dilution). Hoarse croupal cough, wheezing inspiration, soreness and burning in air passages—10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Staphisagria. To allay irritation about the prostate gland, vesiculae and testes, and to check prostatorrhea and spermatorrhea; a remedy for gonorrhea and gleet. A nervous stimulant, useful where there are gloomy forebodings and violent outbursts of passion—1 dram to water 4 ounces.

Sticta. Cough, with pain in shoulders extending to the occiput; rheumatic pains, with soreness of shoulders, cervical region, and occiput—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Stillingia. Irritation of superior pharynx, and just behind the fauces, causing cough; hoarse croupal cough, paroxysmal, as if from great laryngeal irritation; skin disease, showing marked irritation, with ichorous discharge—for croup, the Stillingia liniment as an external application; for chronic cough, the same, half to one drop on a lump-of sugar; other uses, the tincture, 10 drops to 2 drams in 4 ounces water.

Stramonium. Delirious; can not rest in any position; continuously talking; seems to be fearful—5 -10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Strophanthus. A heart tonic rather than a heart stimulant, and is indicated in almost any irregularity of the heart's action. Especially valuable in precordial pain, palpitation, dyspnea, and valvular diseases with regurgitation. From a decided diuretic action it is a very efficient remedy in edema, anasarca, and Bright's disease—20 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Strychnia. As an antiperiodic when the patient has difficult respiration, tardy and feeble urination, suffers from nightmare—gr. 1/60 to 1/20. In cholera or choleraic diarrhea, with the same symptoms and great muscular debility.

Sulphur. The skin is dirty, sallow, brownish, and the mucous membrane has a dirty hue.

Sulphurous Acid. The mucous tissues are of normal redness, but full and feeble; the tongue is coated with a moist, glutinous fur, having a tinge of brown—½ dram to water 4 ounces; as a local application it is best used with a spray apparatus.

Thuja Occidentalis. Syphilitic or other diseases of bad blood, with warty excrescences, or ulceration, showing prominence of papillae—10 drops in 4 ounces water.

Trifolium Pratense. An infusion of red-clover, has a specific influence in spasmodic cough, whooping-cough, and the cough of measles.

Triticum. This agent gives better results when given as an infusion. Catarrhal and purulent cystitis; irritation of the urinary apparatus; aching in the back which accompanies lithemia; dysuria and tenesmus; acute and chronic prostatitis; strangury and hematuria; lack of free secretion from the kidneys; excessive irritability of the bladder from any cause.

Urtica Dioica. Chronic diarrhea or dysentery with evacuations of mucus; chronic inflammation of bladder with abundant mucous discharge—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Uvedalia. Enlargement of the spleen, ague cake; hypertrophy, with sensations of weight and dragging, and when felt seems sodden, wants elasticity; the skin is full, inelastic, and sallow—internally, 1 - 20 drops; as a local application the uvedalia ointment, rubbed in with heat.

Valerian. A cerebro-spinal stimulant, especially valuable as a remedy in chorea when stimulation is desirable—2 drops to ½ dram.

Veratrum Viride. The pulse is frequent and full, tissues full, not shrunken; surface flushed with blood. In erysipelas the part presents somewhat the appearance of an ordinary inflammation—10 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

Viburnum Opulus. Cramp-like pains, pain recurring at intervals; to prevent abortion or miscarriage; in dysmenorrhea, when the pains are expulsive; during labor if the pain assumes the form of spasmodic contraction, the muscular tissues of the perineum being also involved—10 drops to ½ dram in 4 ounces water.

Viburnum Prunifolium. This has been regarded as especially the remedy to arrest abortion or miscarriage, and it may be used for the same indications as the other species—10 - 20 drops in 4 ounces water.

Yerba Santa. A stimulant to the mucous membrane in affections of the respiratory organs, in chronic catarrhal gastritis, and in catarrh of the bladder—30 drops to 1 dram in 4 ounces water.

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine, 1907, was written by Rolla L. Thomas, M. S., M. D.