Emulsum Amygdalae. U. S. (Br.) Emulsion of Almond.

Botanical name: 

Emuls. Amygd. [Milk of Almond]

Related entries: Amygdala dulcis

Mistura Amygdalae, Br.; Almond Mixture; Mistura Amygdalae, U. S. 1880; Emulsio Amygdalae, s. Amygdalarum, Emulsio Simplex; Milk of Almonds; Simple Emulsion; Emulsion d'Amande, Fr. Cod.; Lait d'Amande, Fr.; Mandelemulsion, Mandelmilch, G.; Emulsione di mandorle doici, It.; Emulsion comun, Sp.

"Sweet Almond, sixty grammes [or 2 ounces av., 51 grains]; Acacia, in fine powder, ten grammes [or 154 grains]; Sugar, thirty grammes [or 1 ounce av., 25 grains]; Water, a sufficient quantity to make one thousand mils [or 33 fluidounces, 6 ½ fluidrachms]. Having blanched the almonds, add the acacia and sugar, and beat them, in a mortar, until they are thoroughly mixed. Then rub the mass with nine hundred mils [or 30 fluidounces] of water, at first very gradually added, until a uniform mixture results. Strain this into a graduated vessel, and wash the mortar and strainer with enough water to make the product measure one thousand mils [or 33 fluidounces, 6 ½ fluidrachms]. Mix the whole thoroughly. This preparation must not be dispensed unless it has been recently prepared." U.S.

"Compound Powder of Almonds, 125 grammes; Distilled Water, sufficient to produce 1000 millilitres. Triturate the Powder with a little of the Distilled Water so as to form a thin paste; gradually add the remainder of the Distilled Water; strain through fine muslin." Br.

These preparations are essentially the same, the gum and sugar which enter into the U. S. formula directly being ingredients of the compound powder of almonds of the British. The gum arabic in these formulas is introduced not so much for its demulcent properties as to assist in the suspension of the insoluble ingredients of the almonds. The same formula will answer for the preparation of an emulsion of bitter almonds from bitter almond or peach kernels. The oleaginous matter of the almonds is suspended in the. water by means of their albumen, gum, and sugar, forming a milky emulsion. When the almonds themselves are employed, as in the U. S. process, care should be taken to reduce them to the consistence of a paste previously to the addition of the water, and with each successive portion of fluid a uniform mixture should be formed before another portion is added. Common water, when pure, may be properly substituted for the distilled. Great care should be taken to select the almonds perfectly free from rancidity. The emulsion is not permanent and compound powder of almonds often has a taint of rancidity when kept too long. Upon standing, the oil rises like thick cream to the surface, and the separation is effected more quickly by heat, alcohol, and the acids, which coagulate the albumen. The preparation is closely analogous to milk in chemical relations and appearance. In warm weather it soon becomes sour.

Uses.—Emulsion of almond has a bland taste, and may be used as an agreeable, nutritive demulcent in catarrhal and dysenteric affections and irritation of the urinary passages. To be of service it must be freely employed. It is occasionally employed as an emollient lotion, and as a vehicle for less agreeable medicines, but should not be used with any considerable quantity of tinctures, acidulous salts, or other acid substances.

Dose, two to eight fluidounces (60-240 mils).

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.