Artemisia frigida.

Artemisia frigida Willd. Sierra Salvia. Colorado Mountain Sage. (Fam. Compositae.)—This Rocky Mountain plant, which is found growing in immense quantities from the Saskatchewan to Western Texas, and westward, is said to be much used in that region as a diaphoretic, antiperiodic, and mild cathartic. F. A. Weiss (A. J. P., 1890) found indications of a glucoside. One or two drachms (3.9 or 7.7 Gm.) of the powdered leaves, or one or two fluidrachms (3.75 or 7.5, mils) of the fluidextract, may be administered in hot infusion every half hour until perspiration has set in. The Artemisia nana, one of the North American sage brushes, is reported to yield a volatile oil, which is rich in camphor. (P. J., 1910, xxxiv, 237.)

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.