Fluidextractum Cinchonae. U. S. (Br.) Fluidextract of Cinchona.

Fldext. Cinchon. [Fluidextract of Calisaya Bark]

Related entries: Cinchona

"One hundred mils. of Fluidextract of Cinchona yields not less than 4 Gm. nor more than 5 Gm. of the alkaloids of cinchona." U. S. "Liquid Extract of Cinchona contains in 100 millilitres 5 grammes of the alkaloids of Red Cinchona Bark." Br.

Extractum Cinchona; Liquidum, Br., Liquid Extract of Cinchona; Extractum Chinae Calisayae Fluidum; Extrait liquide da Quinquina jaune, Fr.; Flüssiges Kalisayarindenextrakt, Flüssiges Chinaextrakt, G.

"Cinchona, in No. 40 powder, one thousand grammes [or 35 ounces av., 120 grains]. Prepare a Fluidextract by Type Process B, using a mixture of one hundred mils [or 3 fluidounces, 183 minims] of glycerin, one hundred mils [or 3 fluidounces, 183 minims] of diluted hydrochloric acid and eight hundred mils [or 27 fluidounces, 24 minims] of alcohol as Menstruum I and a mixture of four volumes of alcohol and one volume of water as Menstruum II. After dissolving the soft extract in the reserve liquid, assay a portion as directed below, and, from the result thus obtained, ascertain by calculation the amount of alkaloids in the remainder of the liquid, and dilute this with enough of Menstruum II to make each one hundred mils of the finished Fluidextract contain 4.5 Gm. of the total alkaloids of cinchona." U.S.

"Red Cinchona Bark, in No. 60 powder, 1000 grammes; Hydrochloric Acid, 31 millilitres; Glycerin, 125 millilitres; Alcohol (90 per cent.), Distilled Water, of each a sufficient quantity. Mix the Red Cinchona Bark with five thousand millilitres of the Distilled Water, to which the Hydrochloric Acid and Glycerin have been added; set aside in a covered vessel for forty-eight hours, stirring frequently; transfer to a-percolator; when the liquid ceases to pass continue the percolation with Distilled Water until the percolate ceases to give a precipitate with excess of solution of sodium hydroxide. Evaporate the percolate in a porcelain or enamelled iron vessel at a temperature not exceeding 85° C. (185° F.), until it is reduced to one thousand millilitres." Br.

Assay of Fluidextract of Cinchona.—"From a pipette drop 5 mils of Fluidextract of Cinchona evenly over the surface of 10 Gm. of purified sawdust (see Part III) and evaporate it to dryness at a temperature not exceeding 80° C. (176° F.). Transfer the mixture to a 500 mil flask, and proceed as directed under Cinchona, third line of the Assay, beginning with the words 'and add' modifying the process there given by increasing the amount of ammonia water to 10 mils, using this in divided portions to rinse the dish in which the mixture was evaporated, and adding the rinsings to the flask.

"The weight of the residue is the amount of total alkaloids from 4 mils of Fluidextract of Cinchona." U. S.

British Assay.—"Determine the proportion of alkaloids in the liquid product by the following process: Transfer 5 millilitres to a stoppered glass separator; add 15 millilitres of benzolated amylic alcohol and 10 millilitres of N/1 alcoholic solution of potassium hydroxide; shake well, set aside in a warm place for a few minutes, shaking occasionally, and then allow the liquids to separate; pour off the clear upper layer into a second separator and repeat the shaking with two further portions of 15 and 10 millilitres of benzolated amylic alcohol. Shake the mixed alcoholic liquids with two portions, each of 5 millilitres, of water, and reject the aqueous liquid; then shake vigorously with a warm mixture of 12 millilitres of diluted hydrochloric acid and 60 millilitres of water, using three successive portions of 30, 30, and 12 millilitres, and drawing off the acid liquids into a separator. To this acid liquid add 15 millilitres of chloroform and distinct excess of solution of ammonia, shake vigorously, allow the liquids to separate and draw off the chloroformic layer into a tared dish; repeat the shaking and separating with further portions, each of 10 'millilitres, of chloroform until the aqueous liquid, after acidification with diluted sulphuric acid, gives no further precipitate with solution of potassio-mercuric iodide. Add the chloroformic solutions to that in the dish, allow the chloroform to evaporate slowly; dry the residue in the dish at a temperature of about 110° C. (230° F.) and weigh. The weight of the residue is that of the total alkaloids in 5 millilitres of the liquid product. Having thus ascertained the alkaloidal strength of the liquid product, bring every volume of it containing 5 grammes of total alkaloids to eighty-five millilitres, either by evaporation or by dilution with Distilled Water as may be necessary, add twelve and a half millilitres of the Alcohol, and finally sufficient Distilled Water to produce one hundred millilitres of the Liquid Extract. Examined by the foregoing process, Liquid Extract of Cinchona is found to contain in 100 millilitres 5 grammes of the alkaloids of Red Cinchona Bark. Limit of error 0.2 gramme in excess or defect. This Liquid Extract contains 5 grammes of the alkaloids of Red Cinchona Bark in 100 millilitres; 110 minims contain 5 grains." Br.

The process for this fluidextract was changed in the U. S. P. IX by the addition of diluted hydrochloric acid to the menstruum of alcohol, glycerin and water.

The U. S. fluidextract of cinchona is a moderately thin, dark reddish-brown, translucent fluid, of a bitter, astringent taste.

Dose, five to twenty minims (0.3-1.3 mils).

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.