Photo: Vaccinium oxycoccos 0.

Photo: Vaccinium oxycoccos.

Plants with unripe berries. The berries of this species have much more sour than those found (or grown) in Canada. Liljendal, Finland. Wild. 1992-08-01.

Vaccinium oxycoccos L.
Engl.: cranberry, bog cranberry, European cranberry, marsh whortleberry, moss cranberry, small cranberry, swamp cranberry, true cranberry.
Deu.: Gewöhnliche Moosbeere, Moosbeere.
Suom.: isokarpalo, karpalo.
Sven.: tranbär, myrbär, tränjon.
Jap.: tsuru-kokemomo.
Bot. syn.: Oxocyca vulgaris Raf., Oxycoccus microcarpus Turcz. ex Rupr., Oxycoccus oxycoccos (L.) Adolphi, Oxycoccus oxycoccos (L.) MacM., Oxycoccus palustris Pers., Oxycoccus quadripetalus Schinz & Thell., Vaccinium hagerupii (A. & D. Löve) Rothm.