Raspberry leaf: for the ladies.
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 08:34:47 -0400
From: Karen Mason <karen.GATE.NET>
Subject: Re: Herb of the week
A good womens herb is red raspberry, especially during pregnancy. It contains nutrients which strengthen the uterine wall and reproductive system. It is said to help relieve nausea, prevent hemorrhaging, reduce pain and ease childbirth. It is reported to help reduce false labor pains. It is also said to help enrich colostrum found in breast milk.
From: Deb Phillips <ARmidwife.AOL.COM>
Red raspberry is reported to be good for the entire childbearing years. It is high in Vit. A,C,D,E,G,F, and B. Also high in iron, phosporus, manganese and calcium.
What makes it work so good for the uterus though? Where are our phytopharmocognosists when we need one? How does this herb work?
The Menonites have a saying that you do not drink your red raspberry in labor until the midwife gets there. Otherwise, she won't make it before the baby. This of course doesn't always happen but it shows their belief that red raspberry is a powerful herb for labor.