You'll find a list of all my blog posts in the blog archive.


White deadnettle.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: How very interesting.

Alpine currant edibility.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Seems there's some confusion out there.

Getting rid of horsetail.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: So you have horsetail in your garden? Congrats!

Picking horsetail.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Picking and using horsetail.

Rose deodorant.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Powdered herb deodorants are really easy.

Filipendula seeds.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: They're all different, and they're all cool.

Livertoxic PAs.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: I've avoided plants with livertoxic PAs for years.

Coconut milk.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Making coconut milk from a coconut.

The winter seeders

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.

Anniversary: Medicinal herbfaq

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.


Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: So I wanted to see a witch hazel in flower...

Troubleshooting salves


Henriette's herbal blog: Things that can go wrong in your salvemaking.

Yrttisalvan ongelmat

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.

Troubleshooting herbal oils


Henriette's herbal blog: Things that can go wrong when making herbal oils.

Yrttiöljyn ongelmat.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Mitä voi mennä pieleen kun tekee yrttiöljyä.


Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: When food sensitivities aren't food sensitivities.

Yrttiöljyn ja -salvan teko.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Miten tehdään yrttiöljyä ja -salvaa.

Nettle tea.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Picking nettles for tea.

Old nettles.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Old nettles aren't good for you. Young nettles are.

Nettle greens.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Do's and don'ts when picking nettle greens.

Nokkonen villivihannekseksi

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.

Picking nettle seed.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: It's not difficult, but ...

Fungal troubles.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: A few questions to ask whenever somebody comes in with fungal troubles.

Maral root.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: A nice adaptogen which specifically strengthens the kidneys.

Parsley salt.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Photo: Petroselinum crispum 6. Henriette's herbal blog.

Black cumin chai.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Trying another Herb Companion recipe.

Sweet flag syrup.

Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: The efficient use of leftovers: calamus syrup.

Sweet flag candy.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Sweet flag candy? This I'll have to try.

Cucumber salve.

Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog.

Food sensitivities.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: The problem is finding the offending food(s).


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