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Peeing water.

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Oh, so that's what that is.

I've bought Paul Bergner's - actually the NAIMH's - Actions and Formulations -CD set.

It's all about the physiomedicalist approach.

And I've been idly listening through the first few CDs over the last few days.

And on CD 3, under "Effects on moisture", Paul says:
"For dryness. (...) you're dry and thirsty and you drink a glass of water and you pee out a glass of water three minutes later. That's dry."


And he says that demulcents help. Such as mallow teas and the like.

I've always put that down to kidney deficiency (which is true to Michael Moore's energetics), where kidney strenghteners help. Which of course also is true, for that paradigm.

But that'd explain why I don't like to drink herbal teas all that much, myself. Most of the ones I have are astringent (like the nettle - raspberry leaf - peppermint - fireweed leaf combo I've been drinking lately), and astringents are always drying. I'll add mallow leaf to my herbal teas and see if I like them better ...

... course, mallow leaf adds "body" to herbal teas, making them sorta kinda nicer-tasting. To me. Which I'll just note under "things that make me go hmmm.".

Anyway, learn something new every day.


man, i keep reading this post over and over and i just am not clear on what you mean. obviously i should get the cds for more context, but - if you have time, i'd love to have just a little more context about "dryness" in this sense. i DO like to drink tea - gallons of it - but i just keep reading this and thinking that if i understood it fully, i'd go "hmmm" too.

Most old medical systems have four humors, most of them include dry and moist and hot and cold.

"Dry", in this particular context, is peeing mostly water soon after you've drunk pretty much anything at all. And demulcents (like mallows, or slippery elm) make things more "moist", so you pee less, and not just water.

Licorice root is also moistening in this paradigm, and, what a coincidence, licorice is one of the kidney-heating herbs in Michael Moore's energetics. As are most of the adaptogens. Which in that paradigm help for peeing mostly water and not being able to handle heat, cos you don't have enough liquid to sweat things out, at all at all.

So things fit together, if you squint a bit.

(And completely unrelated to this: if you're thirsty all the time check for diabetes.)

thanks - that was just what i needed. [my obsession for gallons of tea is more because it keeps me warm than that i'm thirsty! but i think overall i have a little too much dry, which is why i was so interested. prolly wouldn't hurt to add some mallow or licorice in.]

Henriette: What a great post. Don't know how I missed it last fall. Anyway...I am still trying to wrap my head around some of this stuff. Maybe I am a reincarnated physiomedicalist, because I understand what Paul is saying about "dryness." The part I have never wrapped my head around is M.Moore's energetics. So when he says something is "kidney-warming" (or "liver-warming" or "whatever-warming")...I think he means it will increase/stimulate the function of that organ or system? (...rather than simply heating it up...?)

So I have been having some adrenal exhaustion with my peri-menopause and some reduced kidney function since a bout with heat exhaustion two summers ago, and thinking a lot about my kidneys. This all comes together when you mention licorice or other adaptogens that MM says are "kidney-warming." You see, the TCM system would say that I need to build kidney YIN, which would be "cooling" ...but MM says to use "kidney-warming" herbs (I think). So I am just seeing this all in a different light, the kidney-warming things are increasing function. Yikes. Am I getting it right yet? ;-)

Yes, he talks about the organs, not the person.

Substitute "lazy" for "cold" and "overactive" for "hot" in Michael's organ energetics, and substitute "kick it" (or "speed it up") for heating and "slow it down" for cooling, and you won't confuse things with the physiomedicalist, the TCM, or other traditional terms.