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Fat videos
A couple clips on utube...
First, Paul Bergner sent these URLs to a mailing list I'm on:
Big Fat Lies: Clip from the documentary "Fat Head." The history of the "a high-fat diet causes heart disease" myth: it all goes back to one crooked scientist (Ancel Keys).
The McGovern Report. A young staff member (a vegetarian without medical or scientific background) suggests that a low-fat low-cholesterol diet is a good idea. This is lapped up by world+dog as gospel. Oops ... then, the Assistent Secretary of the USDA, Carol Tucker Foreman, got told by honest scientists that this is nonsense. However, instead of ditching the idea she shopped around until she found a scientist who supported the low-fat-diet idea, and served government-supported low-fat dietary guidelines to world+dog. Oops again.
Then, Alan Tillotson gave this URL to complement those two:
Part 1: Cholesterol. Dr Malcolm Kendrick speaks to a Leeds BMA [British Medical Association] meeting about why cholesterol does not cause heart disease.
That's part 1 of 5; here's the other 4 bits:
Part 2: Familial Hypercholesterolaemia.
Part 3: About Statins.
Part 4: Heart Disease. Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and stress.
Part 5: Cardiovascular disease populations. CVD in displaced population clusters caused by stress and HPA dysfunction.
Thanks for this video,
Thanks for this video, Henriette. I'm just about to munch on my baked potato with some coconut oil on top :o). My Dad has been eating eggs all his life 3/day. He's 79 and not a trace of heart disease.
The eggs + coconut oil are
The eggs + coconut oil are A-OK, but ditch the potato.
Do you mean that potatos are
Do you mean that potatos are unnecessary? And what's about other carbohydrates, such as wheat?
The general idea is, ditch
The general idea is, ditch all simple carbs. That's potatoes, bread, sweets, fruit juices, rice, etc. etc. etc.
But I guess a little
But I guess a little potatoes won't hurt. It's all about moderation. A healthy diet with a healthy lifestyle to go along is the best!
A little potatoes means that
A little potatoes means that woops, you're back onto the high carb bandwagon, with all that entails in wacky metabolism. Like obesity, various cancers, general flabbiness, weird hormone problems, and a risk for strokes and heart attacks.
Better to stay off those taters, really.
Where do you draw the line
Where do you draw the line on carbs? a certain glycemic level? In my world, we pretty much avoid potatoes (OK, new potatoes once in a while), but we eat sweet potatoes and butternut do those rate? We also don't eat grains much, but I do make dosas with whole long-grain brown rice and red lentils. Am I sabotaging myself here? Thanks for the ongoing great blogg stuff! ;-)